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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: cwieberdink on 2005 December 28, 13:19:52

Title: Another possible romancemod problem?
Post by: cwieberdink on 2005 December 28, 13:19:52
Woohoo'ing in a hot tub on a public lot no longer gets the "public woohoo" icons or memories.  Is this related to romancemod, possibly, or is it something else I need to dig for?  Said woohoo happened at the Midnight Flows lounge in the hot tubs on the top floor.  Happened a couple times, actually, even had people standing by and nada.


Title: Re: Another possible romancemod problem?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 28, 13:32:39
I actually think that was changed by Maxis when they installed Uni - I never ever got a public woohoo from a hot-tub after I'd installed it, even before the original Romance Mod went into my game.

Title: Re: Another possible romancemod problem?
Post by: cwieberdink on 2005 December 28, 14:02:08
Oh.  Huh.  I usually use the photo booth or changing booth, so I thought it was new.  Oh well.  That's weird.  Can we add hot tubs to count as public woohoo then??


Title: Re: Another possible romancemod problem?
Post by: gali on 2005 December 28, 14:07:28
He he, I am VERY glad to hear it! All my Knowledge sims, after woohooing in the hot tub, showed a want which stayed very long time - "public woohoo with 3 different sims".

Now I can send them to woohoo freely in the hot tub...:). Saves me head acke.

Title: Re: Another possible romancemod problem?
Post by: simmiecal on 2005 December 28, 14:33:32
I actually think that was changed by Maxis when they installed Uni - I never ever got a public woohoo from a hot-tub after I'd installed it, even before the original Romance Mod went into my game.

I can concur that this has nothing to do with the romance mod (which I've never installed). When I first got the game (got uni at the same time) I went crazy trying to fulfill the public woohoo want with the hot tub. Nadda. Zilch. I then went hunting around at the BBS and found out (pre-NL) that the only thing that counted as a public woohoo was the clothes changing booth.

Title: Re: Another possible romancemod problem?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 December 28, 14:46:48
Public woohoo can only occur in the changing booth or the NL photo booth. Woohoo in a hot tub, public or not, doesn't count.

Title: Re: Another possible romancemod problem?
Post by: radiophonic on 2005 December 28, 14:49:04
Public woohoo can only occur in the changing booth or the NL photo booth. Woohoo in a hot tub, public or not, doesn't count.

That's great news. Now my girl won't get pissed when I...wait a minute, you're talking about the game right? Damn.

Title: Re: Another possible romancemod problem?
Post by: dmchess on 2005 December 28, 16:19:35
In my experience, woohoo in a hot tub on a public lot counts as Public Woohoo for the purpose of the short-term Want-slot Want, but it doesn't generate a memory token and therefore doesn't count toward "Public Woohoo with Forty-Seven Different Sims" and so on.  See press release (

Title: Re: Another possible romancemod problem?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 28, 17:54:08
As I said before, I think it only counted towards any kind of Public woohoo want pre Uni.  It certainly doesn't fulfil the want in NL.  (I can remember when a visiting sim walked into a bedroom just as the resident sims were in the middle of a woohoo in bed, the romance sim got the Public Woohoo want  fulfilled!  Possibly they changed it for Uni because of the likelihood of so many more adults living on the same lot and the want would therefore be too easy to fulfill.)

Title: Re: Another possible romancemod problem?
Post by: ilikefishfood on 2005 December 28, 21:09:17
By my recollection hot tub whoo hoo on a public lot never counted for public whoo hoo even in the base game.  Lord knows I nearly killed some of muh Simmies trying...........they had fun though!

Title: Re: Another possible romancemod problem?
Post by: dmchess on 2005 December 28, 22:11:44
At some point it definitely fulfilled the immediate Want-slot Want for Public Woohoo, but not the memory-based ones.  At least in my game!  (No hacks at all installed at the time.)  Maybe we were running different stepping levels...   8)

Title: Re: Another possible romancemod problem?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 28, 22:51:30
Took me I don't know how long before I figured out where they'd hidden the darn hot tubs!  And how come doing it in a hot tub in your front garden in front of the mail-person, the maid, the gardener and two passing townies isn't "Public"!

Title: Re: Another possible romancemod problem?
Post by: ari_ on 2005 December 29, 08:27:42
it's be fun if there was some way for the game to check - like "woohoo happening - are there any sims that don't live on the lot in the same room", and if yes, it counts as public...

Title: Re: Another possible romancemod problem?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 29, 10:13:00
Well, if humans did it it would not only be public, but probably arrestable! ;D

Title: Re: Another possible romancemod problem?
Post by: cwieberdink on 2005 December 29, 13:03:42
So, back to my question, is there any way to make public woohoo in a hot tub count as public?


Title: Re: Another possible romancemod problem?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 December 29, 17:49:08
Yes, but the memory text would remain similarly wrong. I don't really consider this issue sufficiently pressing to be worth the maintenance overhead, though. It's a not a new thing, and we're pretty much used to it by now.

Title: Re: Another possible romancemod problem?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 29, 20:03:00
And a photobooth is way cheaper than a hot tub (apart from the love-tub).