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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: baratron on 2005 December 26, 19:05:30

Title: Car & Taxi problem after adding new family member (ex-Townie)
Post by: baratron on 2005 December 26, 19:05:30
Has anyone had a problem with using cars after moving in an ex-Townie?

I am playing the Ethiopian Challenge at the moment. My sim (Extremely Tormented) was dating & engaged to the townie Aiden Toyonaga. Yesterday while I was playing, Aiden spontaneously turned up on Extremely's doorstep and rang the bell, getting Extremely out of bed in the process. He then proceeded to autonomously inititate lots of romantic gestures, even though Extremely was stinking. So I figured he really was the ideal catch, and let them get married. No ceremony or arch, just Propose --> Marriage.

Now Aiden is controllable and seems to behave normally, except when it comes to cars & outings. The car is of course assigned to Extremely as the owner, as he was previously the only sim living on the lot. Before Aiden moved in, I could click on the car & select "Drive to Community Lot", and a dialog would ask whether I wanted to send Extremely only, or "Multiple sims" - then it would ask about all the sims on the lot at the time. Now, although that dialog comes up, clicking "Multiple sims" doesn't work - the game doesn't ask whether I want to send Aiden as well, and Extremely just drives off in the car by himself, leaving poor Aiden standing by the driveway hungry, stinking and desperate to pee.

It gets worse. Aiden can't drive the car himself. I suppose that's not surprising if he's not assigned as the owner, but it seems strange. Also, the carpool came for Extremely - at the time, I thought this was because he'd changed career tracks (from Military to Business, having achieved the Military career reward), but now I'm not so sure. Finally, Aiden couldn't call for a taxi. At first, I thought this was because the carpool car was still occupying the portal, but he couldn't even do it one sim hour after Extremely had left for work! The Call --> Transportation option just wasn't present on his cellphone. In the end, I turned on TestingCheats & Forced an Error on him & Reset - after that, he could call the taxi, and he visited the community lot. However, on his return, he still couldn't use the household car, either when alone or when accompanying Extremely.

What's going on? And how can I fix it? Aiden is only the second Townie that a sim of mine has married, and he's the first one that I've ever moved in by marriage - normally, I do Propose --> Move In first, then marry them later. But you're not allowed to do that with the Ethiopian Challenge. Nor are you allowed to randomly delete sims or objects, except to fix game bugs  :-\.

Title: Re: Car & Taxi problem after adding new family member (ex-Townie)
Post by: Sleepycat on 2005 December 26, 19:48:11
Did you happen to try buying a new car? 

Title: Re: Car & Taxi problem after adding new family member (ex-Townie)
Post by: Lythdan on 2005 December 26, 23:40:04
I've moved in townies by marriage before and they could use the cars fine, even when it wasn't assigned to them. Maybe the car is bugged? You should try buying a new one, like sleepycat said.

Title: Re: Car & Taxi problem after adding new family member (ex-Townie)
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 26, 23:50:51
I've moved most of my downtownies in, plus a few townies, and none ever had specific problems with the car or the carpool.  But there are problems with cars, as lythdan says.

Title: Re: Car & Taxi problem after adding new family member (ex-Townie)
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 December 27, 00:18:47
Does the problem persist if you delete him and force a respawn?

Title: Re: Car & Taxi problem after adding new family member (ex-Townie)
Post by: simmiecal on 2005 December 28, 00:30:11
Have you tried unassigning Extremely as the driver and then re-assigning him?