More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Savage on 2005 December 26, 10:06:19

Title: Requests?
Post by: Savage on 2005 December 26, 10:06:19
Oh Great Leige of Trogdor-dom
I come with-eth 2 Requests?

But I have no clue-eth of where to put it/them.

- More Expensive Bills:
Im sick of having sims sailing through with no financial trouble its like without cheats I can still get them a swimming pool by their 3rd day it's ridiculous, I was hoping for bills which come like usual, but cost about £1000 or something, because the games just so easy and no-one gets anything reposessed unless theyre out of jobs which is just boring :P (preferably you can select the amoutn your bills will cost but whatevers possible)

-Less Child Obsession
I have parents who are completely obsessed with children all of their wants are for their children, technically this might make it realistic but their aspiration isnt even familly. And I moved one of the kids out with it's uncle and they still obsess over it like a bluddy mothering swan, its really irritating? Little Help.

Merci Bucket.

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: gali on 2005 December 26, 10:29:16
"more expensive bills"
If you are able to build them a pool at the 3rd day, it means you give them nothing but essential cheap  objects. Try to buy the expensive ones, which taxes are higher, and you will get higher bills.
Ridiculous - I use "motherlode" non-stop, and you want more expensive bills...:).

Kid's obssession
If you choose the Romance aspiration, you won't have any obssession concerning the kids. Of course they are concerned with the kid - it's pseudo-real-life game. All us parents are concerned about our kids. As my dad said: "even if you will be 50 years old, you still be my little one"...:). I think it's very positive attitude of the game-programming.

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 December 26, 12:37:07
Actually, Romance Sims do get wants related to their kids, especially the males, and particularly once they hit elder.  The majority of Don Lothario's wants are related to his kids and grandchildren - he only gets Romance Sim wants if he has a woo-hoo, then he tends to want another one.  In the main, all he wants is for family members to get engaged or married.  One of his sons is a Romance Sim and he's had wants relating to his sons from adulthood, he's very family-oriented.  I don't have any Pleasure Sims with kids yet, but they're probably the least likely to have family-related wants.

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: gali on 2005 December 26, 12:40:49
I don't Pleasure sims too, Ancient, but perhaps you are right. If they seek for pleasure, it make sense that they are not obssessed much with the family.
Lol, I had once a Romance female which showed a want to have a baby...:).

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: cwieberdink on 2005 December 26, 13:11:19
I don't Pleasure sims too, Ancient, but perhaps you are right. If they seek for pleasure, it make sense that they are not obssessed much with the family.
Lol, I had once a Romance female which showed a want to have a baby...:).

Well, Brynne and I are both pleasure Sims in my game (having a BLAST by the way, but that's another thread) and while we have not yet gotten wants for children, Brynne is constantly thinking about adopting a baby and I always have marriage on the brain.  Of course, we are both acting like romance sims for the moment, but who knows, maybe with the right Sim, we'll settle down eventually....


Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Lythdan on 2005 December 26, 13:22:03
I have quite a few pleasure sims in my game (I'm doing Prosperity, so I really don't have much choice in the matter  :-\) and I can't remember them rolling wants relating to their kids...never seen 'em want to have a baby either.

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: bluecatvon on 2005 December 26, 15:23:39
really? my romantic sims don't want nothing with children. Kinda hard sometimes when they have a fear of changing diapers and there's no one else around :)

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Swiftgold on 2005 December 26, 16:40:30
I haven't been having too much trouble with kid wants either, except for the full plate of wants to encourage all the different traits (niice, I'm sure gonna let you encourage the poor kid to be sloppy and lazy). It's better than those damn wants to buy shrubs, and only certain personalities seem to get the kid obsession quite so badly.

My current want annoyance is actually with the Woohoo in Bed want rolling up constantly on the part of non-Romance Sims. As part of neighborhood birth control (twin control, grrrr) I usually don't have my Sims Woohoo unless they roll up the want for it, and then they have to beat the Risky Woohoo. Anyway, I have a Knowledge-Popularity couple who rolls up this want every day. I fill it for them - they roll it up again. And again, and again. Maybe now that they're elders it'll slack off...

Same with a house containing two brothers, Family and Popularity. The Family Sim rolls up tons of skill-building Wants, and he's unemployed, and then for variety - Woohoo! May as well change him to Knowledge, damn Sim, but then he'd be less likely to ever want those Family-related things, and he's not indicating which of the five Sims he has two bolts for is his favorite, so- *grumbles incoherently*

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: gali on 2005 December 26, 16:45:09
Lol, swift, I have it too with my Knowledge sims...:).

Worse than that - after they finish the woohoo in bed, another "woohoo in bed" want pops up. I remember calling Beau Broke (Knowledge)  "pervert", and "sick": after 3 woohoos in bed, still this want was steady...:).

If you ignore it, it dissapears soon.

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 26, 16:47:06
I have quite a few pleasure sims in my game (I'm doing Prosperity, so I really don't have much choice in the matter  :-\) and I can't remember them rolling wants relating to their kids...never seen 'em want to have a baby either.

My Pleasure teens are already thinking of adoption. All of them. My game is nuts.

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: gali on 2005 December 26, 16:51:19
I have quite a few pleasure sims in my game (I'm doing Prosperity, so I really don't have much choice in the matter  :-\) and I can't remember them rolling wants relating to their kids...never seen 'em want to have a baby either.

My Pleasure teens are already thinking of adoption. All of them. My game is nuts.

Brynne, your game is OLD, you need refreshment...:). Reinstall!

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 26, 16:52:27
What?!   What does that have to do with anything?? 

edited to remove angry smiley face...Knee-jerk reaction, you know.  :P

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: gali on 2005 December 26, 17:04:21
Exactly! You said that you play almost a year with your big family. I never played more than a month or two with any family - always bored and reinstalled...:). The longest time that I played a family was with the Grunts - until each son had 2 kids. Then I was bored too...:).

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 26, 17:30:31
Who said anything about being bored? I'm having a great time with my sims. Have you been paying attention to any of my stories? Do I seem bored to you??  Gali, you've shocked me... :P If you're bored, then don't read my stuff. I'm not reinstalling because you're bored.

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: cwieberdink on 2005 December 26, 17:41:57
Who said anything about being bored? I'm having a great time with my sims. Have you been paying attention to any of my stories? Do I seem bored to you??  Gali, you've shocked me... :P If you're bored, then don't read my stuff. I'm not reinstalling because you're bored.

Val, sweetie, I know you're having a tough time, but I don't think that is what Gali was saying at all.  If you want, you can take out your frustrations on me  -- what're friends for??  Oh, did you get my PM about chat?


Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: gali on 2005 December 26, 17:43:50
Oh, Brynne, you know I am one of your stories fan!

I talk about the long time you play with one family - never could reach this Guiness record...:).

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 26, 17:51:26
All right, fine. I've over-reacted. Sorry, Gali, didn't mean to go off like that. It's been kind of a long day...

Oh, Chris, I haven't gotten a PM.

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: reggikko on 2005 December 26, 18:18:25
I have quite a few pleasure sims in my game (I'm doing Prosperity, so I really don't have much choice in the matter  :-\) and I can't remember them rolling wants relating to their kids...never seen 'em want to have a baby either.

My Pleasure teens are already thinking of adoption. All of them. My game is nuts.

This is a NL oversight/sloppy programming issue. It seems the Pleasure Sims are getting Family Sim thought bubbles. Hopefully they will fix that. :)

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 26, 18:20:34
I wondered about that. That did not make any sense to me at all. Definitely wasn't my idea of "pleasure" as a teen.

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Savage on 2005 December 27, 00:34:32
"more expensive bills"
If you are able to build them a pool at the 3rd day, it means you give them nothing but essential cheap  objects. Try to buy the expensive ones, which taxes are higher, and you will get higher bills.
Ridiculous - I use "motherlode" non-stop, and you want more expensive bills...:).
The idea is it makes the game harder they get really happy if they have great stuff the idea for me is to have  more realistic POOR familly...

Kid's obssession
If you choose the Romance aspiration, you won't have any obssession concerning the kids. Of course they are concerned with the kid - it's pseudo-real-life game. All us parents are concerned about our kids. As my dad said: "even if you will be 50 years old, you still be my little one"...:). I think it's very positive attitude of the game-programming.
But I want them to still have the damned obsessions with their aspiration im sick of this asmothering ocne theyve done one it goes to another kid its realy irritating.
Anyway I know its a real life game Im asking for a mod to change that aspect not saying that the game is wrong. :S

And By this obsession I mean when they have kids, if they already have a kid they smother the aspiration crap with it its very very annoying.
I wondered about that. That did not make any sense to me at all. Definitely wasn't my idea of "pleasure" as a teen.

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Kyna on 2005 December 27, 00:52:49
On the poverty issue, if you have NL you can use the familyfunds cheat to remove cash from your families.  If you don't have NL you can use Pescado's money order ( to get rid of excess cash.  Using either of these methods means that you can make each family as broke as you want, with varying levels of poverty across your neighbourhood.

It is possible to train your sims to stop rolling up the wants you don't like.  If you don't satisfy the kid-obsession wants but only satisfy other wants, eventually they'll stop rolling the kid-obsession wants.

If you choose the Romance aspiration, you won't have any obssession concerning the kids
Gali the sim that was most obsessed with her kids (her firstborn at least) in my game was a romance sim.  Every day she rolled up wants to talk, play, hug, etc, with her daughter.  This lasted throughout baby, toddler and child stages.  I didn't mind, it made me feel that here was a sim who doted on her daughter, it added to the sim's personality.  Even though it was probably happening only because I kept satisfying those wants.

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: TreyNutz on 2005 December 27, 01:04:32
I have quite a few pleasure sims in my game (I'm doing Prosperity, so I really don't have much choice in the matter  :-\) and I can't remember them rolling wants relating to their kids...never seen 'em want to have a baby either.

My Pleasure teens are already thinking of adoption. All of them. My game is nuts.

I get that alot too.  Teens and YAs (knowledge) with the baby-and-phone though bubble.  I don't know if they want to adopt, or wonder if they were adopted.   :-\

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Kyna on 2005 December 27, 01:25:22
My Pleasure teens are already thinking of adoption. All of them. My game is nuts.
I get that alot too.  Teens and YAs (knowledge) with the baby-and-phone though bubble.  I don't know if they want to adopt, or wonder if they were adopted.   :-\

Yesterday I had a YA (family sim) roll a want to have a baby.  She was in her final year of college.  I don't have any hacks that allow pregnancy before adulthood.

On the subject of thought bubbles, I've seen a number of my sims (who are already in committed 3-bolt relationships) with thought bubbles + hearts of sims they've never even met.  Or who are adults and thinking this about teens (I have no hacks that allow romantic relationships between teens and older age groups).  I'm wondering if they're thinking of gossip they've heard about someone else who is attracted to the stranger sim.  I really should check the memories in SimPE next time I see it happening to see if it is about someone else's memory, or whether it's their own.

Could the adoption thought bubbles be referring to a memory they've picked up from other sims in conversation?

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Liss on 2005 December 27, 03:14:58
I don't know how you guys get pleasure sims that dote on their kids.  It could be just this one sim's personality, but as a teen I loved her and now I can't stand her.  She never spins ANY wants that involve her children or husband.  Everything is purely selfish.  I've had fortune sims that were better parents than she is.

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Swiftgold on 2005 December 27, 03:43:22
On the subject of thought bubbles, I've seen a number of my sims (who are already in committed 3-bolt relationships) with thought bubbles + hearts of sims they've never even met.  Or who are adults and thinking this about teens (I have no hacks that allow romantic relationships between teens and older age groups).  I'm wondering if they're thinking of gossip they've heard about someone else who is attracted to the stranger sim.  I really should check the memories in SimPE next time I see it happening to see if it is about someone else's memory, or whether it's their own.

Could the adoption thought bubbles be referring to a memory they've picked up from other sims in conversation?

I'm not sure about the adoption bubbles because I get them all the time with Family Sims and I've never had anyone adopt ever, but I think it's possible you're getting the gossip with the teens, if you don't have any hacks. I've heard of some Sims getting the lovey bubbles about themselves after someone who was attracted to them gossiped about it, so that may be it. It gets kind of odd, I know that. I've also had a Sim who gets furious with his own picture in the bubble...

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Lythdan on 2005 December 27, 10:01:40
I had one sim that was attracted to a downtownie teen as a teenager, and now she's an elder and whenever she thinks about him, she still gets the lovey hearts floating around.

What I've noticed with elder family sims is that their wants are cluttered with encouraging their adult children, that don't actually livr at home anymore. Couldn't they be bothered when their kids were...children?

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Ellatrue on 2005 December 27, 15:45:45
All of my sims think about adoption all the time, no matter what the aspiration is- but I have never once seen a want to adopt a kid. I never have them adopt anyway, unless it's to get a kid that was taken by the social worker- no ugly babies for me!

What really gets on my nerves is when they have wants related to sims that live off-lot, like when grandparents want to hold their grandchild, and how they forget about the rest of the family the moment a new baby is born. Why do family sims seem to completely forget about their spouses?

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 December 27, 17:39:21
My theory is that they copied both the Pleasure and Grilled Cheese aspirations off the Family aspiration, and forgot to switch off the thought bubbles.

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Muisie on 2005 December 27, 18:26:59
Family wants:  Play fortune sims.  I have had many different personalities but they never think about kids, family, friends or basically anyone else on the planet except themselves.  Especially after they sell their first masterpiece. 

Higher bills:  Yes, buy expensive stuff, paintings and sculptures.  Art increases in value and hike up the bills.  Put your sim painted paintings on the walls instead of selling them.  And redecorate the house with expensive wall coverings and floor tiles.  At generation 5 my legacy family easily paid around 2000 simoleans every mail day. *Gasp*

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 December 27, 18:36:38
All of my sims think about adoption all the time, no matter what the aspiration is- but I have never once seen a want to adopt a kid. I never have them adopt anyway, unless it's to get a kid that was taken by the social worker- no ugly babies for me!

What really gets on my nerves is when they have wants related to sims that live off-lot, like when grandparents want to hold their grandchild, and how they forget about the rest of the family the moment a new baby is born. Why do family sims seem to completely forget about their spouses?
I actually saw the want to adopt a Kid occur in my two Jeffs family . Both Jeffs were Pregnant  courtesy of Pregnancy for all and  the second Jeff spun the want to adopt a child! which I ignored since they both had babies on the way at the time

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 December 27, 18:44:03
I've never seen the want to adopt kids until my Twojeffs family either, and then both of them had the want.  Funny though, I *think* they were both Knowledge Sims, and if it had been a man/woman partnership, I bet I never would have seen the want to have a baby.

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 December 27, 19:31:12
I saw the Adopt a  baby want a second time this time Motoki's partner so  I think the couple has to be same sex for it to spin.

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Muisie on 2005 December 27, 19:33:04
I saw the Adopt a  baby want a second time this time Motoki's partner so  I think the couple has to be same sex for it to spin.

Oh!  I wondered why I've never seen it before.  Fix your tags, Bangel =)

Edit:  Cool, thanks for the pic.  Nice couple!

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Swiftgold on 2005 December 27, 19:38:27
I've never seen that want either, even though I have a same-sex married Family Sim, ex-dormie. I also haven't seen that fear of cheating want yet, strangely enough! My Sims seem pretty boring :P Before dates I only had one ever want to marry a specific Sim, and she couldn't since he was already married, har. After dates it'll spin up pretty predictably if they're in love on a date and not Romance Sims or something (then they'll spin up the fear), sigh.

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 December 27, 20:38:09
Family wants:  Play fortune sims.  I have had many different personalities but they never think about kids, family, friends or basically anyone else on the planet except themselves.  Especially after they sell their first masterpiece. 

wherein windy_moon jumps to the defense of Fortune Sims one more time, cue broken record

Promise, promise, promise, swear on my poodle's Fortune Sims are, almost without fail, good, family oriented Sims. 

They generally don't spin an independent want to have a baby, but once the kids are there -- they spin wants to teach them to talk and walk, wants to interact with them, lots of wants for interaction with their spouses.

I play a lot of Fortune Sims because I like them.  Maybe I've just developed the unconcious knack for pushing their wants & personaltiies toward their families (since virtually all my stories are about families)....generally, my Fortune Sims spin more family or relationship wants than anything else...including "buy me buy me buy me".  Let them earn a little money, buy a this or that along the way, and they will concentrate on their family.

Does not help the OP, but I do so hate to see my Fortune Sims misunderstood!

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Lythdan on 2005 December 27, 20:47:46
I saw the adopt a kid one in Andrea Hogan when she got joined to one of my sims. She was a fortune sim. But her spouse already had two kids...

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Muisie on 2005 December 27, 20:58:02
wherein windy_moon jumps to the defense of Fortune Sims one more time, cue broken record

Promise, promise, promise, swear on my poodle's Fortune Sims are, almost without fail, good, family oriented Sims. 

They generally don't spin an independent want to have a baby, but once the kids are there -- they spin wants to teach them to talk and walk, wants to interact with them, lots of wants for interaction with their spouses.

I play a lot of Fortune Sims because I like them.  Maybe I've just developed the unconcious knack for pushing their wants & personaltiies toward their families (since virtually all my stories are about families)....generally, my Fortune Sims spin more family or relationship wants than anything else...including "buy me buy me buy me".  Let them earn a little money, buy a this or that along the way, and they will concentrate on their family.

Does not help the OP, but I do so hate to see my Fortune Sims misunderstood!

I must be playing mine differently.  Job->money->skill->job->MONEY!   Besides, they don't need defending.  I love that about them.  So easy to please!  Especially since the flowerbed wants have been cremated. 

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 December 27, 21:27:31

I must be playing mine differently.  Job->money->skill->job->MONEY!   Besides, they don't need defending.  I love that about them.  So easy to please!  Especially since the flowerbed wants have been cremated. 


They are easy to please, knowledge Sims, too.  You can set up endless chains of acquisition (either things or skills) with either of them...but it doesn't do much for family stories so I don't encourage it. 

A good chunk of the threads around here divert into either Fortune or Romance Sims being bad parents, and I always end up jumping in about Fortune Sims, hence the "broken record" part of my post.  Everyone can feel free to yawn.

Okay, posting my first picture here.  I apologize for the crappy quality.  I run my graphics on low because I have undiagnosed freezing problems with the game.


I did nothing special to get Freddie to roll these wants as he came home from work.  I just went into one of my Fortune Sims houses to take a picture of wants.  He's not Perma Plat (hasn't made 100K yet), but he wants to make out with his wife, see his toddler grow up well, play with his toddler, talk & play with a friend....

Also looks as if he could use a trip to the john.  :D

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: gali on 2005 December 27, 22:07:21
Windy moon, I am on your side. The only fortune sim I have played was Komei. He is always Fortune sim, in each install - and I always see in him wants about his kids. True, he has fortune wants too, but always keeps a rectangle about the kids.

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 December 27, 22:16:50
I haven't played too many fortune Sims, but the two that stand out in my mind are Marisa Bendett and Marylena Hamilton (grocery delivery, not fugly townie  ;)).

Marisa very rarely rolled wants that were related to her family, she was the one always interested in shrubs and electronic equipment.  I didn't play Marylena very long, so I'm not sure what she was most interested in, but I do think she was more focused on her daughter than her husband, a family Sim, was.

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2005 December 27, 22:47:43
In my custom hood, I try to keep a well-rounded variety of aspirations with my sims, so I have quite a few fortune sims.  (Haven't tried the pleasure aspiration yet, though.)

Most of my fortune sims have aspirations related to their children, usually wanting them to be overachievers when they're teens.  I have had one or two that just wanted "stuff" - and usually stuff they didn't have the simoleons for!  Yeah, they might keep wanting to sell a masterpiece over and over (or a great novel), but they usually have at least one relating to a child of theirs.

Since I haven't tried the pleasure asp, I can't say anything about it, but every other aspiration DOES have wants that relate to their children.  I think it may have to do with the relationship between the parent and child.  It seems like the better the relationship, the more likely they will want something related to that child.

My knowledge sims always want to teach their toddlers to walk, talk, and be potty-trained.  Then as teens they want them to get scholarships and go to college.

I can't think of any particular asp I've had for a parent sim that was overly un-family oriented.  If they don't want to do anything with the kids or have any wants for them, it seems to be in their personality.  I have had one or two who, even with high relationships, just didn't care about anything but painting (or some other playful thing to do.)

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 27, 22:48:54
A good chunk of the threads around here divert into either Fortune or Romance Sims being bad parents, and I always end up jumping in about Fortune Sims, hence the "broken record" part of my post.  Everyone can feel free to yawn.

No yawning, here. I feel the need to defend my romance sims all the time. They're good family guys. Really!
And I've just started playing fortune sims more. I have a few fortune teens, now, so it's a nice change of pace. So far, they've been easy-peasy to play.

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Yay on 2005 December 28, 00:16:20
What I really love about fortune sims is that they act like knowledge sims as long as they need that skill for their job. Along with the 3000+ bonus for promotions and the Earn x simoleons want, they really do work out nicely.

Still, I have some problems with fortune teens. Can't they at least earn as much as a Wal-Mart job?  : :-[

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 December 28, 00:17:19
A good chunk of the threads around here divert into either Fortune or Romance Sims being bad parents, and I always end up jumping in about Fortune Sims, hence the "broken record" part of my post.  Everyone can feel free to yawn.

No yawning, here. I feel the need to defend my romance sims all the time. They're good family guys. Really!
And I've just started playing fortune sims more. I have a few fortune teens, now, so it's a nice change of pace. So far, they've been easy-peasy to play.
I have a good mix of aspirations in my custom hood and dont have a problem with any of them so Im not sure what the gripe is with the basic aspirations by far my most neglectful parents are my family sims ,,,,,,,,,,But a hood without family sims wouldnt make any sense anymore than a hood with out fortune or pleasure sims makes far as pleasure sims and parenting like all aspirations much depends on the personality of the sim rather than the aspiration!

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: agcons on 2005 December 28, 00:21:31
The romance sims I have that also have families have not been worse parents than sims with other aspirations, and in some cases are better.  That is, once they got over those fears of engagement and marriage.  Interestingly, they have far fewer of the "woo-hoo/make out with thousands of sims" wants than formerly.

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2005 December 28, 00:46:20
Romance sims always make great parents in my n'hoods  :D  If I let them keep their kids that is *laughs*  the idea for a orphanage caught my interest so now I must make one for all the unwanted kids (gotta love risky woohoo) that my romance sims didn't plan to have  ;)  *loves Inges teleporterplus shrub*

When I play I always get storylines going thru my head and right now I'm setting up a Mayor-wanna-be. His "dirty little secrets" won't be so secret when his bastards grow up (the romance sim moms will get "paid off" and the kids will be dropped (teleported) at the orphanage)  He will eventually become Mayor and will live really nice for awhile and then everyone will discover his whores an bastards, he will get fired and will age to elder badly ;)

I'm making an effort to use all the ASPs (except cheese so far) now, before I tended to stick to romance, knowledge and family. So far I'm enjoying them all but then I do have some of the "want hacks" so that curbs some of the more annoying wants  ;)

Last night I got a huge shock!  One of my female romance sims, actually rolled the want to get married! while on a date with another sim  ::)  (she was actually the date and not the "asker") Then she rolled the fear marriage want to That sim (of course) but Then she rolled the want to marry the sim she was on the date with! and she never rolled the fear marriage want for him! She didn't get her "wish" tho cause the sim that asked her on the date was my "mayor-wanna-be" and he had to marry a "good upstanding sim" and not some "dirty whore" that he had just gotten pregnant ;)

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 December 28, 00:53:16
I have my share of Roamnce Parents and they are awesome........ My orphanage Personage is none other than Don Lothario although his home for unwanted children is empty at the Moment that is subject to change at any given time with the inteenimzator and so on in my game. I know from experience Don Lothario is an awesome parent even when the babies just suddenly"appear" out of nowhere he adopts them and gives them a loving home courtesy of Inge's shrub! ;D

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: agcons on 2005 December 28, 09:22:18
Poor Don; just look at all the things we've done to him.

In my game, he broke up with Cassandra and met a CAS sim named John Newhouse, another romance sim.  They hit it off, John moved in, they got engaged, then married in a lovely outdoor ceremony, and currently have four boys.  Who knew?   :D

Title: Re: Requests?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 December 28, 14:06:32
ahh but Don appears to be up for the challenge. I actually like Don Lothario and got a genetic clone of him in my cuustom hood simply because he fits the bill as a loving parent for unwanted babies,Cassandra Goth on the other hand is to prissy for me  so she can stay in pleasant view.