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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: IcemanTO on 2005 December 21, 16:18:25

Title: Cemeterary Question
Post by: IcemanTO on 2005 December 21, 16:18:25
Hi All and BTW Merry Xmas to all!

Some month ago, before installing Nightlife, I had many sims dead by natural age and some by selfkilling.
Due the fact I don't like ghosts into my lots, I always deleted their gravestones.

Now, with NL, I have the opportunity to place these gravestones into a community "cemetary" lot.

My question is: There is a way to "reload" the old dead sims to have their gravestones into the new lot?

I tried some ways, as via resurrect-o-nomitron or with the Insimenator's summoner, but no luck.

Title: Re: Cemeterary Question
Post by: Nihale on 2005 December 21, 18:24:54
The reason you can't get them back is because deleting the gravestones (w/o nounlinkondelete) results in deleting most data stored in the character files. No character file, no grave. Ergo, you can't get the graves back.

Title: Re: Cemeterary Question
Post by: Kyna on 2005 December 21, 19:13:11
I don't know if this will help you or not.  Try reading this topic (

In it Pescado said :
The fix cannot retroactively correct sims that have already been shredded. The tombstones in the process of disintegration will probably still combust.

It is, however, possible to regenerate them. You will need: Lot Debugger 2.0, Ingelogical Teleporter Shrub.

Title: Re: Cemeterary Question
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 21, 19:56:31
I would think, too, if you have a back-up from when they were still alive, you could open the files in SimPE, copy the missing data and then reload the ghosts and replace the data. If you are in N001, call it N001 current (or something similar) before you put the back up into your Sims2 Folder, then SimPE will go to the old N001.  After you've finished, just move the back-up back to wherever you store them, and rename the current folder to N001.

Title: Re: Cemeterary Question
Post by: IcemanTO on 2005 December 22, 09:57:07
Thanks to all,
I think I would try the Pescado's topic suggestion first, because I don't have backups for previous state.

Merry Xmas
