More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Peasantry => Topic started by: MaxisManiac on 2005 December 20, 20:06:02

Title: Blue Border UI Modification - NOW IN TWO SEXY FLAVORS!
Post by: MaxisManiac on 2005 December 20, 20:06:02

(I also posted this at MTS2)

I really just did this for myself because frankly, I think the blue borders on Influence Wants make the UI look like crap. Also, the blue borders cover up most of the icons on the Wants, and I like looking at the icons. They make me feel giggly.

Attached is a mod that will make the blue borders become a little blue square in the top left hand corner of the Influence Want. This way, you can still see which Wants award you Influence Points. This first image is what your UI looks like without this mod, and the second is what it will look like afterward. The file attached is the mod itself. Enjoy!





Now in Triangular Flavor!:


Download your very own today!


Title: Re: Blue Border UI Modification
Post by: Kyna on 2005 December 20, 23:12:34
(I also posted this at MTS2)

I really just did this for myself because frankly, I think the blue borders on Influence Wants make the UI look like crap. Also, the blue borders cover up most of the icons on the Wants, and I like looking at the icons. They make me feel giggly.

Attached is a mod that will make the blue borders become a little blue square in the top left hand corner of the Influence Want. This way, you can still see which Wants award you Influence Points. This first image is what your UI looks like without this mod, and the second is what it will look like afterward. The file attached is the mod itself. Enjoy!





I'm sorry, I can't see any 'little blue square' in your second pic.  I"ve tried with and without my glasses (since I've reached the age where I can see the computer screen better without my glasses on, and should probably consider getting bifocals).  Did you upload the wrong pic?

Title: Re: Blue Border UI Modification
Post by: phedge on 2005 December 20, 23:19:33
VERY tiny.  Look closely in the VERY upper left hand corner of the want/need.

Title: Re: Blue Border UI Modification
Post by: Kyna on 2005 December 20, 23:39:04
Ah.  Too tiny for me to use this mod, unless I want to keep craning forward until my head is 4 inches from the screen while playing the game.

Title: Re: Blue Border UI Modification
Post by: Emma on 2005 December 20, 23:39:18
Aha! I see it ;D This is great-thanks!

Title: Re: Blue Border UI Modification
Post by: Gwill on 2005 December 22, 14:04:23
Could you make it slightly bigger?  Like a blue triangle in the corner or something?
I like the idea, but it's just too tiny.  I need to be able to see that it's there.

Something like this:

Title: Re: Blue Border UI Modification
Post by: MaxisManiac on 2005 December 22, 20:38:37
Could you make it slightly bigger?  Like a blue triangle in the corner or something?
I like the idea, but it's just too tiny.  I need to be able to see that it's there.

Something like this:

Sure. I've added it to the top post.

Title: Re: Blue Border UI Modification - NOW IN TWO SEXY FLAVORS!
Post by: Gwill on 2005 December 22, 20:41:55
You're fast.  :D

Title: Re: Blue Border UI Modification - NOW IN TWO SEXY FLAVORS!
Post by: Database on 2005 December 29, 18:28:20
Brilliant - I also hate that stupid thing (But I don't remember seeing it after installing NL...)

Consider it downloaded.

Title: Re: Blue Border UI Modification - NOW IN TWO SEXY FLAVORS!
Post by: Gwill on 2005 December 30, 00:25:09
I'm so pleased with this mod.
The border annoyed the hell out of me when I first got uni, but slowly I learned to live with it.  Now I don't have to anymore!

Thanks a lot.  :D

Title: Re: Blue Border UI Modification - NOW IN TWO SEXY FLAVORS!
Post by: Yay on 2005 December 30, 02:23:59
Though I'm not a graphic nazi this certainly does give a much cleaner look.

"Thank you this is great!"  ;)

Title: Re: Blue Border UI Modification - NOW IN TWO SEXY FLAVORS!
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 February 17, 23:41:13
Could you make it so it is just a bar across the top?

Title: Re: Blue Border UI Modification - NOW IN TWO SEXY FLAVORS!
Post by: dadditude on 2006 April 24, 14:22:41
I just wanted to drop in and thank you for this mod. I have been using the triangular version so long now that I had forgotten it was a mod, much less where I got it from. Thank you, thank you, a million times thank you! This is the way Maxis should have done it in the first place!

Title: Re: Blue Border UI Modification - NOW IN TWO SEXY FLAVORS!
Post by: dadditude on 2006 June 04, 16:44:27
Anybody here have the download for this mod? I recently lost a lot of my downloads to a crash, and this was one of them. I know MTS2 had it also, but they've been down all weekend.

Title: Re: Blue Border UI Modification - NOW IN TWO SEXY FLAVORS!
Post by: starrling on 2006 June 04, 17:25:07
I'd like this download too, and MTS2 is still down. 

Dang, and I just uploaded 5 mini terrains on Friday LOL.  Y'see that dark cloud?  You know...the one over my head.  It follows me everywhere.  That, and Murphy's Law.  Why does Murphy like me so much?  Warning to all-stay clear of me or you'll get caught in it   ;D

Title: Re: Blue Border UI Modification - NOW IN TWO SEXY FLAVORS!
Post by: akatonbo on 2006 June 04, 17:29:01
I've got the triangle version. I always forget that it's a mod myself. ;)

Title: Re: Blue Border UI Modification - NOW IN TWO SEXY FLAVORS!
Post by: starrling on 2006 June 04, 17:41:02
Thank you!

Title: Re: Blue Border UI Modification - NOW IN TWO SEXY FLAVORS!
Post by: dadditude on 2006 June 05, 11:22:02
And here's the other one.

Title: Re: Blue Border UI Modification - NOW IN TWO SEXY FLAVORS!
Post by: starrling on 2006 June 05, 16:00:13
I just wanted to say, that after only 1 day of using this I'm hooked.  Thank you very much.