More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: idtaminger on 2005 December 20, 05:22:01

Title: Quest. about a hack conflict
Post by: idtaminger on 2005 December 20, 05:22:01
I was playing one of my sims after a long hiatus, and when I tried to send her on a date, the "ask on date" action kept dropping out of her queue. I took her to a community lot w/ her boyfriend, tried it again, and it worked, except her bf kept turning her down, despite mutual relationships of 100/100.

I think I remember reading on here somewhere about a hack that conflicted w/ the "ask on date" interaction, but I've long forgotten in which thread, and which hack. Would anyone be so kind as to tell me if there is a hack that might have caused this?

Title: Re: Quest. about a hack conflict
Post by: Twain on 2005 December 20, 05:40:23
ahhh A mighty fine quest ye are on...I wish you godspeed on your journey!
But alas i can not help ye!   :D

Title: Re: Quest. about a hack conflict
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 December 20, 05:54:18
Just a question, are they in furious state with each other eventhough their relationship is high?  I think it could make a difference though I am probably wrong...

Title: Re: Quest. about a hack conflict
Post by: Liss on 2005 December 20, 05:55:55
There might be something to that.  I had a sim furious at her fiance, with relationship back to 100/100 and she wouldn't woohoo with him, even though they could hug, kiss, get engaged (!!!) and stuff like that.

Title: Re: Quest. about a hack conflict
Post by: vecki on 2005 December 20, 06:17:32
Do you have a magic sword?  Coz all quests need a magic sword!

Title: Re: Quest. about a hack conflict
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 20, 06:42:13
Maybe she'd decided enough was enough, and it was time for a little commitment - like a wedding ring! ;D

Title: Re: Quest. about a hack conflict
Post by: Ms.Perception on 2005 December 20, 11:51:08
I think I may be able to help... ye. Ahem. If you're testing JM's romance mod, it causes the interaction ask for date to just drop out. If you're not testing it, then um, I guess I didn't help ye, after all.  :)

Title: Re: Quest. about a hack conflict
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 December 20, 11:59:11
The current test build of the Romance Mod is not known to interfere with "Ask for Date". Older, pre-NL versions may.

Title: Re: Quest. about a hack conflict
Post by: idtaminger on 2005 December 20, 17:56:41
Lol. I abbreviated question, like I tend to do. I didn't mean "quest".   :D

But yes, I am testing the romance mod. I do believe that I am using the NL version. Perhaps it's been updated? I guess I'll go check for a new version, then.

Edit: Okay, so I've done the weeding out. And it IS the romancemod! The NL one, in the NL test folder. I even d/led it again, just to be sure.  :( I've attached a copy of the error report that the game generated, in case you need it, Pescado. :)

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: Quest. about a hack conflict
Post by: angelyne on 2005 December 20, 19:07:50
Since it's been a long hiatus,  might it not be quicker to simply remove all your hacks and start over?  That's what I did when I came back from a long absence.  I just downloaded Pescado's hacks from the NL folder and addeded whichever other hacks I wanted.  This way I did not miss some kind of update or end up with an NL incompatible hack

Title: Re: Quest. about a hack conflict
Post by: crazi_aboutu on 2005 December 21, 05:59:00
In the new romance mod for nl I have also had  a problem with ask on date  disappearing.  I deleted it replayed scene and was able to ask on date, redownloaded replayed same scene and lost it again.  Tried on another lot and had the same thing happen.

Title: Re: Quest. about a hack conflict
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 21, 11:28:08
Have you reported this problem in the romance mod thread?

Title: Re: Quest. about a hack conflict
Post by: idtaminger on 2005 December 21, 18:09:53
Have you reported this problem in the romance mod thread?

There's a romance mod thread? I haven't seen it anywhere...Care to give me a link?

Title: Re: Quest. about a hack conflict
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 21, 19:48:00 (

Sorry, not exactly a thread to itself, but I would think if you mentioned it here, JM would see it.

Title: Re: Quest. about a hack conflict
Post by: syberspunk on 2005 December 21, 22:15:41
Edit: Okay, so I've done the weeding out. And it IS the romancemod! The NL one, in the NL test folder. I even d/led it again, just to be sure.  :( I've attached a copy of the error report that the game generated, in case you need it, Pescado. :)

Object id: 706
name: N003_User00031 - Miranda
Stack size: 7
Error: Object referred to must be a person.
Iterations: 3722
  Frame 6:
    Stack Object id: 62
    Stack Object name: Food - Toaster Pastry - Menu
    Node: 20
    Tree: id 1089 name 'Group - Date - Accept/Reject?' version -32756
    from global
    Prim state: 0
    Params: 62    Locals: 286 120 110

ROFLMAO! It looks like Miranda is trying to ask her Toaster Pastry out on a date or outing. Apparently the toaster pastry is refusing. Poor Miranda!  :D

And yeah... that definately is a problem. Probably need to verify that the object in question is a person. :P


Title: Re: Quest. about a hack conflict
Post by: crammyboy on 2005 December 22, 00:29:50
A solution to this was posted in this thread

Title: Re: Quest. about a hack conflict
Post by: idtaminger on 2005 December 22, 05:32:18
A solution to this was posted in this thread

Well, I'm not exactly a modder, so I've no idea how to go about fixing this. But hey, at least we know where the problem is, right?

Title: Re: Quest. about a hack conflict
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 December 22, 21:49:38

ROFLMAO! It looks like Miranda is trying to ask her Toaster Pastry out on a date or outing. Apparently the toaster pastry is refusing. Poor Miranda!  :D

And yeah... that definately is a problem. Probably need to verify that the object in question is a person. :P

OMG thats the funniest error Ive ever seen. a toaster Pastry being asked for a date.........I get errors  but never ones like that my game is to mundane to do anything that funny