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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: syberspunk on 2005 August 01, 08:06:58

Title: Sims2Exception Game Crash Log
Post by: syberspunk on 2005 August 01, 08:06:58

So I just updated some hacks today, as I always do before I start playing my game, and while at Uni, I had two sims using the Call... Friends via autoyakyak, and the game just crashed on me.

What happened was, two of the sims were talking, and then I double clicked on one of them to zoom into him, and then the audio started looping while the screen sort of just froze. I couldn't click on anything and the game crashed.

I don't know if this Sims2Exception log will help at all, but I figure I'd post it anyways and risk my lips. :p


I suppose I could just revert to my backuped hacks and see if the problem still occurs. But I figure I might as well post anyways just in case it is a problem you can easily sort out.

PS. It turns out that I did not have testingcheatsenabled on, so I will try that and see if an error pops up and if I can get a log that way.

FYI: Of the hacks that I updated today, most of them included yours:
autoyakyak v0.95a
macrostatics v0.86
phonehack v6.8
skillinator v0.7a
moneyorder v2.1b
nossrespawn v1b

Aside from that, I also updated to
dizzy2's smart-serve-1g

Crammyboy's nudist hack v129
Crammyboy's cock hack v139

Neither of these seem to interfere with your hacks at all and would be totally unrelated to phones.

And... afaik, dizzy2's hack doesn't seem to interefere with macrostatics eat, at least not in any noticeable way in my game. But I've only been playing in Uni lately, and so I always have that NPC chef dude to serve food. I haven't had to actually have my own sims serve food at all yet.

Title: Re: Sims2Exception Game Crash Log
Post by: dizzy on 2005 August 01, 08:29:57
Does it always crash when you do that? I don't know, but it sounds more like the VM choked or maybe you have bad RAM. You might want to run a memory checker just to be sure.

Title: Re: Sims2Exception Game Crash Log
Post by: syberspunk on 2005 August 01, 09:22:35
Does it always crash when you do that? I don't know, but it sounds more like the VM choked or maybe you have bad RAM. You might want to run a memory checker just to be sure.

Nope. It just happened today. I just tried to re-create the situation, and it did not happen. Obviously I most likely could not reproduce the exact stutation, as I have no idea what the dormies were doing and if they might have caused the crash rather than my playable sims. *shrugs* But, as far as my playable sims were concerned, I did everything the same as before, and they pretty much ended up in the same condition and at the place as they had been. Two of my sims were then told to call their friends... and then the game froze and got stuck in an audio loop of the currently selected/zoomed in sim and then crashed. This hasn't really happened before, but if it does, usually if my game does crash, it's due to some detectable error, or an error dialog pops up. So... since I had just updated some hacks, and the game was working fine the last time I played, I just assumed that it might be related to the updated hacks.  :P

It could very well be my craptastic computer. Admittedly, I was having problems earlier in the week when my computer continually froze on me while attempting to run the sims. However, I had also just updated some hacks AND I also removed a skintone and was trying to fix a sim using SimPE. I don't know if all of that was related to causing my harddrive to barf. After a lot of frustration and attempt at troubleshooting, I was ready to give up and reformat my hard drive, since it got to the point where it wasn't even bootable (well the OS wouldn't load...). Anyways, it somehow magically fixed itself after a diskchk and managed to backup my data. I set it all back, reverted to a previously saved Neighborhood and deleted my group.cache file. That seemed to have fixed it. But who knows, maybe this is just remenants of the previous issue. Or maybe this is just my game telling me that is soon going to burst into a bfbvfo.  ::)

If this happens again, I guess I'll see if I get an error log and post that. *shrugs*

Btw, is there a windows tool for checking memory? Or do you have any suggestions of free software that I can get to check my memory? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I usually do my best to try and keep a clean system, defragging and disk clean up, as well as running anti virus software and scanning with hijackthis, ad-aware, and spybot on occassion. I'm hoping to someday scrape up enough loot to buy another 512MB of system RAM. But for now, I'll have to make due with what I have.


Title: Re: Sims2Exception Game Crash Log
Post by: dizzy on 2005 August 01, 09:43:55
If you have access to the Adult forum on MTS2, you can easily find the CBoy hacks. They are excellent, by the way. :)

Title: Re: Sims2Exception Game Crash Log
Post by: dizzy on 2005 August 01, 09:57:56
Btw, is there a windows tool for checking memory? Or do you have any suggestions of free software that I can get to check my memory? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I don't normally dabble with free stuff, but I've heard good things about 3DMark. It should test the heck out of everything on your computer.

Title: Re: Sims2Exception Game Crash Log
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2005 August 02, 03:55:39
If you have access to the Adult forum on MTS2, you can easily find the CBoy hacks. They are excellent, by the way. :)

Excuse my ignorance, but what does this hack do?

Title: Re: Sims2Exception Game Crash Log
Post by: dizzy on 2005 August 02, 07:54:10
CBoy's "cock" hack adds in the... missing part. It doesn't color properly, so you have to fix that manually. Hehehe...

Title: Re: Sims2Exception Game Crash Log
Post by: witch on 2005 August 02, 11:27:30
Try memtest86 from
my technician b/f says he uses this at work. Can be put onto a bootable floppy if required.