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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Lyall on 2005 December 16, 23:13:37

Title: Loading screen hanging
Post by: Lyall on 2005 December 16, 23:13:37
I really hate to have to start a thread to ask for help, but I couldn't find anything helpful when I searched.

I remember that shortly after Nightlife came out I was having a problem with the loading screen hanging when visiting community lots. Someone else mentioned it and, if I recall correctly, was able to fix it by removing something from the files, I think it was a download. I did that and the problem was fixed

Now (after a mishap with Tom's Clothing Tester), I've started over with my neighborhoods and downloads and I'm having this problem again. I can't really remember what exactly I removed last time to fix it and if the problem now will even be fixed by removing something.  Has anyone had this problem and/or knows how to fix it?

P.S. Feel free to correct any spelling or grammar errors here. I'm not a native speaker so there's probably a few mistakes here.

Title: Re: Loading screen hanging
Post by: C.S. on 2005 December 17, 01:00:22
Check out this thread (, see if it's the same problem?

Title: Re: Loading screen hanging
Post by: Lyall on 2005 December 17, 01:21:10
Oh, thank you! If I were the huggy type I'd hug you, fortunately I'm not so you're spared from being hugged by a complete stranger.  :)

And now that I've calmed down. It is the same problem. I just checked and I don't have the Clothing Event fix, I could have sworn I had it though.

Now why didn't that thread come up when I searched? This is why I didn't want to start a new thread, too much risk of looking like an idiot.  :P