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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Charamei on 2005 December 16, 18:13:28

Title: Buyable mailbox?
Post by: Charamei on 2005 December 16, 18:13:28
As a result of my refusal to install the NL patch since I don't trust EA to not add in more bugs than they take out, I've recently encountered what I assume to be the books glitch - where when putting away books, things get randomly deleted.

I've now patched the game, but one of the casualties of the bug was the mailbox - I remember seeing a buyable one for such eventualities, does anyone know where I can get hold of it from?

Title: Re: Buyable mailbox?
Post by: vector on 2005 December 16, 18:19:42


Title: Re: Buyable mailbox?
Post by: nectere on 2005 December 16, 18:22:40

also apparently juggling cause random deletion of stuff you might want to get the fix here at MATY for that here

Title: Re: Buyable mailbox?
Post by: Charamei on 2005 December 16, 18:24:53
Ah, thanks, both of you.

Nectere - Already have that, thanks :) That's how I knew it must be the books.

Title: Re: Buyable mailbox?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 16, 21:51:19
If you don't have NL yet, watch out too for a problem with the mailperson not collecting the bill payments - they get sidetracked by any other sim who happens to be nearby, including the maid.  The FFSdebugger can help here if you use the Kill Stuck Bills option.