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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: nikita on 2005 December 16, 17:19:24

Title: Any hack to have more than 4 in a group?
Post by: nikita on 2005 December 16, 17:19:24
The title is pretty self-explanatory.  Is there anyway to have more people other than inviting your original group and then inviting other people singularly and asking them to join?

Title: Re: Any hack to have more than 4 in a group?
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 December 16, 17:26:03
Did you try to type:  intprop maxnumofvisitingsims 8 in the neighborhood screen?  It should change the number of visitors you can have at a party and the number of Sims you can have on a community lot to 8 instead of your default setting.

Title: Re: Any hack to have more than 4 in a group?
Post by: Jorenne on 2005 December 16, 18:41:05
actually I'd been meaning to mention for a while now that cheat hasn't been working for me since nightlife, but then mygame is quite possibly the glitchiest game ever. lol

Title: Re: Any hack to have more than 4 in a group?
Post by: nikita on 2005 December 16, 20:54:17
My default is already set to 8 visitors and I still can only have 4 people in a group.  I'm not talking about parties, I mean the group outings (the Sims with the blue diamonds over their heads).

Title: Re: Any hack to have more than 4 in a group?
Post by: syberspunk on 2005 December 16, 21:14:13
I haven't done many group outings really, so I don't know what the limitations are.

Does this only occur when you start a group outing and try and have people join? In other words, while you are doing the group outing, I believe there is an option to ask other sims walkin about to join the group. But I don't know if this gets disabled once you group meets a size of 4.

Or... does this occur when you start the group out by making a phone call? When making groups, does it restrict you to only 4 people in the group?

The reason I ask this is because, the few times where I had a Contact call me, and I accepted the invite to go Downtown, when I got there, I was shocked to see like 6 sims pile out of the Taxi plus my own. The group was definately more than 4. I think it might have even been as many as 7 or 8 sims total, including my own playable sim. It was kind of cool, but also a bit frustrating because I could barely manage to keep them all together. They all kept wandering off, and with no real meter of how tell whether they were happy, I could not make the outing successful. :P


Title: Re: Any hack to have more than 4 in a group?
Post by: nikita on 2005 December 16, 21:32:58
Yeah, whenever a contact invites me downtown the group is usually up to 6 or 7, sometimes even more people.  But as far as I know, a player can't create a group of no more than 4 Sims.  Once you have a group of 4, I don't think there is any limitation to how many people you can add to the preexisting group (if you're at home, if you're on a community lot, it might be based on your visiting Sims limit) but the method of going somewhere with a group and then inviting people one-by-one to join once you get there tends to be annoying.  I just prefer bigger groups because it's less time consuming to keep up all their relationships.

Title: Re: Any hack to have more than 4 in a group?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 16, 21:48:32
I don't remember there being a limit, but I only really use the Just for Fun option.  It may be that the game limits it to 4 for an outing just to keep it a manageable size.  But if you have already created a group and just pick the option in manage groups, I think the whole group is invited, but not all necessarily will turn up.

Title: Re: Any hack to have more than 4 in a group?
Post by: Athena on 2005 December 17, 06:44:42
I can create groups of up to 8 members using the phone.  If you can't, it's probably a limitation of your hardware.