More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: veilchen on 2005 December 15, 21:36:04

Title: How's that for Real Life Terrain?
Post by: veilchen on 2005 December 15, 21:36:04
This is where I come from. I'm willing to bet that no one can come even close to making a terrain that looks like that. Ahh, mother nature is truly awesome. I tried in SC4, but it didn't go too well (shut up JM ;D).

Title: Re: How's that for Real Life Terrain?
Post by: kewian on 2005 December 15, 21:43:21
Which area from Germany? 

Title: Re: How's that for Real Life Terrain?
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2005 December 15, 21:46:19
That is some absolutely gorgeous countryside!  (Jealous!)

Title: Re: How's that for Real Life Terrain?
Post by: cheriem on 2005 December 15, 22:28:17
I was born in Frankfurt as my Dad was stationed near there for Vietnam.  Mom left back to the states when I was only 2 months old, so all I have of the experience is the pictures my parents took.  As we are LDS (mormon) my parents found the branch they went to had many people from back home.  They made several lifetime friends.  My mom says it was interesting to live on the economy.  They lived in a small apartment building with several families and not enough bathrooms.  But they learned to love the culture, the scenery, and the people.

Title: Re: How's that for Real Life Terrain?
Post by: SciBirg on 2005 December 15, 22:53:42
Ok, I will share too.

This is where I am from:

Title: Re: How's that for Real Life Terrain?
Post by: veilchen on 2005 December 15, 23:30:10
Thanks SciBirg, now I'm even more homesick than I was before. Dontcha just love Europe? I've only been to Norway once, on my way to Suomi (Finland), but I love the northern countries, all of them.

Kewian, I was born and raised in the Rhine/Mosel Valley, in an area that's called the Hunsrück. The third and the last picture in photobucket is the famous Rock of Loreley (or Lorelei as it's also spelled). The Loreley is about 8 miles from my house.

Thank you Elvira, you're more than welcome to visit, just make sure I'm back by then :D. Come in the fall when the wine harvest is going on. That's when the Rhine and Mosel villages really come to life. Usually they're kind of sleepy.

Title: Re: How's that for Real Life Terrain?
Post by: Liss on 2005 December 16, 00:10:00
wow. gorgeous country.  I wonder if I will ever go anywhere so beautiful :D

SciBirg, where you live is pretty too...some of the pictures with the colorful foliage reminded me of where I used to live in New England (Vermont specifically)

Title: Re: How's that for Real Life Terrain?
Post by: SciBirg on 2005 December 16, 00:45:00
Veilchen: I love the white wine from the Mosel/Rhein valley!

Liss: The closest-looking area in the US is Maine, I think, though they say Seattle looks similar too. The weather certainly is...

Title: Re: How's that for Real Life Terrain?
Post by: veilchen on 2005 December 16, 00:57:27
Me too SciBirg, I wish I could ask you to hang out in a Weinstube and have some *sigh*. True, Norway can be kind of brutal in the winter, but if you are into snow-sports, you're in heaven. By the way, thanks for spelling Rhein the right way ;D

Liss, European vacations aren't really that expensive. You just need to know where to go. Whenever you're ready to fly over, just ask your old pals for hints and tips and you'll have no problems having a grand old time. :D

Title: Re: How's that for Real Life Terrain?
Post by: Liss on 2005 December 16, 01:02:18
only problem with that is that I'd have to book a cruise. Hubby refuses to fly ;)

Title: Re: How's that for Real Life Terrain?
Post by: veilchen on 2005 December 16, 01:08:55
Pshaw, leave him here, we'll gladly issue you a replacement husband as a 'stand-in', free of charge as long as you're in Europe.

But seriously, flying isn't all that dangerous, you're far more likely to get into a car crash. But, then again, a cruise is nice, just add 6 days to your itinerary, and let yourselves be spoiled on a cruise ship before and after your European vacation. That would up the price a great big chunk however, but it's most likely worth it. Not that I'm biased or anything....

Title: Re: How's that for Real Life Terrain?
Post by: SciBirg on 2005 December 16, 01:11:11
Me too SciBirg, I wish I could ask you to hang out in a Weinstube and have some *sigh*. True, Norway can be kind of brutal in the winter, but if you are into snow-sports, you're in heaven. By the way, thanks for spelling Rhein the right way ;D

No problem.  ;)

I haven't spent much time in Germany but I did learn some German during my 9 weeks stay in Switzerland, especially this vital line of Züridytsch:
"Chunt ich eis bier ha'?"

Title: Re: How's that for Real Life Terrain?
Post by: veilchen on 2005 December 16, 01:18:44
Oh yeah, absolutely vital. I was just chatting with my sister (AIM and web-cam) and the wench had one right in front of me. And she didn't even feel any remorse or pity. I'll remember that, sis...

Title: Re: How's that for Real Life Terrain?
Post by: noname on 2005 December 16, 04:15:08
There is a way to import maps into SC4 from black and white topographical maps I think, but I couldn't tell you how, cuz I haven't played the game in a looooong time. You may have an easier time if you try that.

Title: Re: How's that for Real Life Terrain?
Post by: Liss on 2005 December 16, 07:27:45
well, I've explained the whole "flying is safer than driving" thing, but he has a phobia, which goes deeper than just being a wuss I guess :p