Title: Just trying to track down a bug in my game. Post by: Ubercuber on 2022 May 25, 17:41:27 So the issue I'm trying to track down regards the architect career and that the popup will show the wrong budget (showing like trillions of simoleons) but once you build its the real budget so no issue there but just minor annoyance. I have turned on the acceptnosubstitute thingy in the config which makes quality of items impact scoring. Does anyone know if that options could cause this bug? If someone else experienced something similar. I dont have access to my computer atm so thought might as well ask so that in case its responsible that I could just fix that once I get access again.
Title: Re: Just trying to track down a bug in my game. Post by: witch on 2022 May 26, 01:38:07 Do you mean the career that lets you design rooms in houses?
Title: Re: Just trying to track down a bug in my game. Post by: Ubercuber on 2022 May 26, 15:33:37 Do you mean the career that lets you design rooms in houses? Yes exactly. It shows a budget of like 2.0000000 on the popup when you get the option to accept a job. Im not saying its caused by awesomemod but tryna track down the issue, and just wondered if people who have the nokewianbasedsubstitute on experience this issue too. Title: Re: Just trying to track down a bug in my game. Post by: witch on 2022 May 27, 02:18:59 I have nokewianbasedsubstitute turned on, I'll run a test game and see if it happens to me. Nothing like that ever has but it's been a long time since I played that career. It may be a day or two, I'm busy today, but I'm happy to double check.
Title: Re: Just trying to track down a bug in my game. Post by: Ubercuber on 2022 May 28, 14:39:41 I have nokewianbasedsubstitute turned on, I'll run a test game and see if it happens to me. Nothing like that ever has but it's been a long time since I played that career. It may be a day or two, I'm busy today, but I'm happy to double check. Thank you so much! That would be highly appreciated. Basically the issue Im experiencing so that there is no confusion, is when you get opportunities in mapview and pressing the icon gives the options to accept the work opportunity which brings a popup basically stating what needs to be done, budget and reward etc. However, this budget will show like 1,203,3493,3039 simoleons. Though once you get to work in buy mode on the house the correct budget appears so its mostly a visual glitch which is a bit annoying but .. in worst case I'll live with it. Title: Re: Just trying to track down a bug in my game. Post by: witch on 2022 May 29, 00:20:30 Yup, OK. Sorry I haven't done it yet, my brother told me he was COVID positive yesterday, and the whole day was taken up by organising and reporting and getting deliveries and so on. What a pain.