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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: simmiecal on 2005 December 15, 08:18:41

Title: Need help - change lot zoning
Post by: simmiecal on 2005 December 15, 08:18:41
I've only used the change lot zoning cheat to change a residential lot into a dorm.  Right now, I have a commercial lot that is the perfect layout for my multi-story downtown apartments. I can use the cheat to change the lot to residential, but it still has the community lot phone and trash bin. How do I get the residential mailbox and trash can to appear on the lot? I don't see it in the catalog. If I try to move a sim in, the lot never loads. Any suggestions?

Has anyone done this? Can this be done?   ???  ???

Title: Re: Need help - change lot zoning
Post by: Database on 2005 December 15, 08:55:06
Ouch. I suggest (if you have NL) Moving a Sim into a empty residential lot, using move_objects to grab the mailbox and trash-can and put it into your inventory. Then, move them into the new lot and place the objects down. 

Title: Re: Need help - change lot zoning
Post by: nocomment on 2005 December 15, 10:24:25
This site has a collection you download that lets you buy the mailbox and trash can.  This should help you out.

Title: Re: Need help - change lot zoning
Post by: Renatus on 2005 December 15, 10:27:11
I also suggest the collection. I can't be certain it'll work, but considering the problems the inventory has trying to move them that way sounds like a good way to make things explode. You may be better off copying down your layout onto graph paper and recreating it on a new lot, though.

Title: Re: Need help - change lot zoning
Post by: nectere on 2005 December 15, 12:05:00
Personally I am going to have to go with the wierdo collection, it has buyable fire! And weather! and lots of other stuff! Amazed. (and yes, a mailbox and trashcan)

And in my opinion, the collection is perfectly stable, although the weather can make a slow machine crawl. I have been using this collection since it was released.

Title: Re: Need help - change lot zoning
Post by: simmiecal on 2005 December 15, 15:49:55
Thansk for the suggestions. I'll give them a shot tonight and see how it works.

Personally I am going to have to go with the wierdo collection, it has buyable fire! And weather! and lots of other stuff! Amazed. (and yes, a mailbox and trashcan)

And in my opinion, the collection is perfectly stable, although the weather can make a slow machine crawl. I have been using this collection since it was released.

 ;D :D ;)  Funny....all the things you can find at!  Kind of funny that I would use this in a MATY neighborhood.  :D ;) ;D

Title: Re: Need help - change lot zoning
Post by: idtaminger on 2005 December 15, 18:47:11
I have a rather diff problem, but also related to the changelotzoning. I'm pretty sure that changing the lot zoning to residential used to give me the residential buy catalog instead of the commercial one. But nowadays, even if I change the zoning, the catalog remains commercial.

And on top of that, testingcheatsenabled used to do something in the CAS, where if you moused over an item, you could read the actual file name. But now, it doesn't happen anymore.

I have NL patched btw. Can anyone give me some pointers?

Title: Re: Need help - change lot zoning
Post by: simmiecal on 2005 December 15, 18:54:18
I have a rather diff problem, but also related to the changelotzoning. I'm pretty sure that changing the lot zoning to residential used to give me the residential buy catalog instead of the commercial one. But nowadays, even if I change the zoning, the catalog remains commercial.

And on top of that, testingcheatsenabled used to do something in the CAS, where if you moused over an item, you could read the actual file name. But now, it doesn't happen anymore.

I have NL patched btw. Can anyone give me some pointers?

When you use changelotzoning, you need to save the lot, exit and re-enter in order for the "new" catalog to appear. I notice that sometimes when I mouse over an item, I don't get the description. It seems to come and go in my game and I haven't noticed it enough to see if there is an underlying cause to it. I know some custom content creators don't bother with a description (which is frustrating  >:( )

Title: Re: Need help - change lot zoning
Post by: idtaminger on 2005 December 15, 19:09:51
I notice that sometimes when I mouse over an item, I don't get the description. It seems to come and go in my game and I haven't noticed it enough to see if there is an underlying cause to it. I know some custom content creators don't bother with a description (which is frustrating  >:( )

I'm not talking about the descriptions, tho. I mean in Create-a-Sim, where it used to be that if you did testingcheatsenabled, instead of the little blurb that's always there, it tells you the item's actual package name. That doesn't work anymore for me. Does anyone know why this is?

Title: Re: Need help - change lot zoning
Post by: simmiecal on 2005 December 17, 05:08:42
Woo Hoo!

It worked!

Thanks so much for the help!!!  ;D