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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: SIMplyLisa on 2005 December 14, 23:52:58

Title: New Christmas free stuff on
Post by: SIMplyLisa on 2005 December 14, 23:52:58
What did they feel bad about charging for the holiday pack so they are giving some of it away? (

I did get a chuckle out of the Simlish deck the halls rendition! (

Title: Re: New Christmas free stuff on
Post by: idtaminger on 2005 December 15, 02:15:13
Well, they did say they were giving some of it away when they announced the holiday pack.

Most of the stuff I really wanted is for d/l now though, so boy, am I glad that I didn't get the stupid pack.

Title: Re: New Christmas free stuff on
Post by: Emma on 2005 December 15, 19:29:50
Most of the stuff I really wanted is for d/l now though, so boy, am I glad that I didn't get the stupid pack.

Ditto! Although I have a horrible feeling my husband has bought the holiday pack for me, for christmas... :-\ I really don't want it! I know, I am so ungrateful, but I'd much rather have a cd or two  :P

Title: Re: New Christmas free stuff on
Post by: KellyQ on 2005 December 15, 19:38:02
Don't feel too bad, Emma, my husband is always buying me books for Christmas because I love to read. Unfortunately, he gives me books I'd never read in a million years. (Danielle Steele, I think not!) ;D

Title: Re: New Christmas free stuff on
Post by: SIMplyLisa on 2005 December 15, 20:01:34
That's what gift cards to the book stores are for!!!

So I was going to buy the Christmas pack but they didn't have it in any of the local stores, so now I don't need it, I got enough stuff to deocrate my Sim house for the couple weeks out of the year!

Title: Re: New Christmas free stuff on
Post by: Batelle on 2005 December 15, 21:16:04
Most of the stuff I really wanted is for d/l now though, so boy, am I glad that I didn't get the stupid pack.

Ditto! Although I have a horrible feeling my husband has bought the holiday pack for me, for christmas...  I really don't want it! I know, I am so ungrateful, but I'd much rather have a cd or two 

Hearing about the extreme glitchiness and Santa issues that come with the game pack makes me glad that I didn't get it and that my boyfriend is mystified by my Sims addiction and therefore would never buy me even more crap to support my habit. 

Title: Re: New Christmas free stuff on
Post by: theisz on 2005 December 15, 22:30:12
I was checking out the new expansion pack details and watch one of the videos for it.  I noticed the male employee that the chick was reeming out had a new hair style!  I like it.  I hope they have more hair styles.  I'm a nut over new hair, ok, I am just a nut.  :P