Title: Changing a residential lot to community Post by: Kangals on 2014 August 16, 04:30:45 I have a lot that was residential that would make a great synagogue with only minor modifications if I can only get this done safely(I am not much of a builder). Tried in my empty sandbox neighbourhood and generated this error message:
.\source\TSAudioResourceManager.cpp(1220) ERROR TSAudio: Failed to cache resource. 0b9eb87e:eb8ab356:ff8bceb2 .\source\TSAudioResourceManager.cpp(1220) ERROR TSAudio: Failed to get neighborhood occupants. .\source\TSAudioAmbienceSystem.cpp(822) ERROR TSAudio: Failed to get neighborhood occupants. .\source\TSAudioAmbienceSystem.cpp(822) >changelotzoning commercial ERROR TSCheatSystem: ERROR IN CHEAT: Bad lot type! in command 'changelotzoning commercial'. OnErrorClearParserTempState called. with command changelotzoning commercial .\source\TSCheatSystem.cpp(68) So it would seem that the reason it wouldn't work is that the neighbourhood was devoid of sims, but does this mean that when I changed it to a community lot in Pleasantview it somehow now contains references to sims from that neighbourhood? Is it safe to use in other neighbourhoods? Title: Re: Changing a residential lot to community Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2014 August 17, 05:41:19 I think those are ignorable issues, other than the last one, which says you typed twaddle.