More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Dark Trepie on 2005 December 10, 04:40:23

Title: Changing user names before it drives me crazy.
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2005 December 10, 04:40:23
This is the guy formaly known as Trepie in case you didn't recognize the avatar.

After spending a couple of days revisiting older forums that I'm a member of I had to change my user name to this because it was driving me crazy.  I use this name pretty much everywhere else except for here, Laverwinklesims, and one other place I go to which probably shouldn't be named since mucho sheep hunting goes on there and I think they'd rather stay Troll free.

The only reason I ever came up with the Trepie user name was because this name was taken on the BBS when I first got the sims 2, and I had just finished playing a game of Final Fantasy 8, so those of you familiar with that game should get the significance of the user name Trepie.  And I kept using it here because I thought it would avoid confusion since some people here might've recognized me from there.  But now I'm changing it to avoid confusion on my part, and because I'm nit-picky and like to keep things simple.

This is the name I actually go by in real life.  Not my real name though, but its the name everyone has called me since I was like three days old, so I might as well be.   :-\

Anyway, enough blabbering.  Just thought I'd give a heads up.  And just to make this resemble something on topic I present to you...  SMUSTLE NANNY!!!


Title: Re: Changing user names before it drives me crazy.
Post by: FatedCircle on 2005 December 10, 04:42:32
Aww...I liked "Trepie" (but then, I'm kinda obsessed with Final Fantasy 8, know.... :-[).

But Chip is cool too.

*waves to Chip*  ;D

Title: Re: Changing user names before it drives me crazy.
Post by: Andygal on 2005 December 10, 04:45:16
ARgh....*hates when people changer usernames in mid-stream* Sooo confusing.....

Title: Re: Changing user names before it drives me crazy.
Post by: gali on 2005 December 10, 04:47:47
Hi Trepie, just asked about you, didn't see you a long time.

Title: Re: Changing user names before it drives me crazy.
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2005 December 10, 04:53:37
Yeah, had to go back to some other places I've been neglecting by staying here so much.

*had forgoten the forums at could be very BBS-ish...   :P*

Title: Re: Changing user names before it drives me crazy.
Post by: gali on 2005 December 10, 04:59:20
Did you see your-sim-me mutilation? You are gorgeous there...:)

Title: Re: Changing user names before it drives me crazy.
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2005 December 10, 05:04:07
Oh yes.  Love the shirt from the 70's.  Now all this game needs is chest hair.   ;D

The eyes are nice and glowy too.

Title: Re: Changing user names before it drives me crazy.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 December 10, 05:34:44
You realize your user login doesn't actually change, just your displayed name, so you'll STILL be Trepie and may as well stay Trepie since everyone knows you as Trepie? What's wrong with Trepie, anyway? There are lots fewer Trepies.

Title: Re: Changing user names before it drives me crazy.
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2005 December 10, 05:44:17
Yeah, just realized that after fiddling with the options.  Oh well.  Guess I can deal with it.  Besides, having two different identities on the internet is probably a lot less than what most people have.

Trepie's back.

Now I feel kinda stupid...

Title: Re: Changing user names before it drives me crazy.
Post by: cwykes on 2005 December 10, 06:56:00
Join the club!  -  chose my first ever avatar last night - that's how I feel about sims2

Title: Re: Changing user names before it drives me crazy.
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2005 December 10, 07:06:30
Been there before...


Title: Re: Changing user names before it drives me crazy.
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 December 10, 07:36:40
I wonder which hurt the most (look at my avatar).  :-\  Trepie, since I've been here I have known you under that nickname, if you change it you will confuse me (and I can get easily confuse) it is good you choose not to change your nickname.

On Sims1 I was Stayfree on Sims2 I am Missdoh2, I thought of using StayFree here but got bored with the joke about the StayFree nickname (I am sure you can imagine lol).....

Here is a bigger version of my avatar (in case you did not recognize them it is Dustin Broke giving a backrub to Cassendra Goth):

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: Changing user names before it drives me crazy.
Post by: Andygal on 2005 December 10, 07:44:06
aaah yes, the glitchy backrub animation, why do MY sims never give each other glitchy backrubs?

Title: Re: Changing user names before it drives me crazy.
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 December 10, 07:53:12
Mine seem to be doing it a lot more lately.  I used to take pictures, but now it's beginning to get annoying.   >:(