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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Sagana on 2005 December 09, 22:35:09

Title: Flat tires
Post by: Sagana on 2005 December 09, 22:35:09
Along the "where can I find" line - I'd really like to have a car with flat tires, or that looks like it's been vandalized ( for a story-ish thing). Has anyone maybe seen anything like that? I've tried searching with google, on tsr and mts2 and am having trouble locating it if it's there. Can be purely decorative or doesn't have to be, btw...

Just hoping someone has seen something similar and thanks.

Title: Re: Flat tires
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 December 09, 22:36:13
Heh, that's what we need. Junked cars jacked up on concrete blocks to decorate the yard of every trailer-trash family.

Title: Re: Flat tires
Post by: Sagana on 2005 December 09, 22:37:43
I agree :) I actually tried "trashed" and "redneck" as keywords hoping someone had done one as mts2 has the trashed sets, but didn't have any luck :(

Title: Re: Flat tires
Post by: simmiecal on 2005 December 09, 23:06:28

Here's a broken down trans am. I was also looking for a car up on blocks for a story, but so far, this is the most "broken down" that I've been able to find.

Title: Re: Flat tires
Post by: Sagana on 2005 December 09, 23:25:25
Thanks very muchly!!! That'll do until something better comes along. Actually it suits my purpose quite well as there's a "trashed" and a "not-trashed" version (tho I really wish the tires were flat - ah well, can't have everything>

I really appreciate it.