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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: nikita on 2005 December 09, 21:26:30

Title: Can't build a garage on Veronaville lot
Post by: nikita on 2005 December 09, 21:26:30
If anyone is familiar with Veronaville (as I understand most play Plesantview or their own custom hoods), I'm trying to put a garage in one of my houses and can't. 

I don't understand why.  It's the largest house/lot in the neighborhood of the Maxis original houses and there is plenty of space, enough to make two garages but whenever I try, a little box comes up saying that it is out of bounds.  I'd really hate to move them out as it's such a nice house.  The entire family has a want to buy a car.  It's a legacy house that has been given to the eldest child for the past 4 generations, it's also the largest house of the richest family and so I suppose my need for garage is also a bit of a pride thing as there are 19K families in the same hood with not one but two cars. 

I'm wondering if anyone has used this house or better yet, put a garage there. 

( (

Title: Re: Can't build a garage on Veronaville lot
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 December 09, 21:37:32
Have you tried to move both trees deeper on the lot to see if it will solve the problem?

Also, it is suggested you put garages on the left side of the house since you need something like 10/15 free squares to put the driveway.  The thing is that the car needs free squares to come on the road and make a turn into the driveway, this is why it is easier to put it on the left side of the house.

Title: Re: Can't build a garage on Veronaville lot
Post by: nectere on 2005 December 09, 21:38:28
you have 19 thousand families?

Title: Re: Can't build a garage on Veronaville lot
Post by: Karen on 2005 December 09, 21:43:43
Do you have move_objects on?  You can't place a driveway with move_objects on, even if there is enough space.  Make sure it's turned off and try again.


Title: Re: Can't build a garage on Veronaville lot
Post by: nectere on 2005 December 09, 21:48:23
Looks like she/he is trying to put it on the right edge, which wont work as MissDoh stated. The street extenstion part has to be free as well, however since you have other cars at other houses, I have to assume you know what you are doing.

I got nothing basically.

Title: Re: Can't build a garage on Veronaville lot
Post by: idtaminger on 2005 December 09, 21:59:47
If it turns out that its too close to the right edge, you could use moveobjects on to place an extension in place of the regular driveway.  You have to make sure not to use the regular driveway, though, but rather the extension.

Title: Re: Can't build a garage on Veronaville lot
Post by: nikita on 2005 December 10, 04:47:15
Hmm, it might be because it's on the right side but I have driveways on the right side of a few houses with no problems. 

I can't put it on the left (not enough space), I'll try idtaminger's suggestion.  Thanks for the replies everyone.   :)

Title: Re: Can't build a garage on Veronaville lot
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2005 December 10, 05:10:57
If the lot is large enough you can put driveways on the right side of the mail box.  The smallest one I've ever done it with is a 4x4 lot.  Actually I was able to put two driveways side by side on the right side of the mail box on that lot.

If all else fails, there's always street parking. (

Title: Re: Can't build a garage on Veronaville lot
Post by: cwykes on 2005 December 10, 07:10:22
This looks like the summerdreams to me - I play veronaville 0r I did til my sims lost all their memories!
The Summerdream house is right up against the road and on a different level.   There is a little room on the left edge, but more on the right.

It's a pain to play because kids sprint out of the back of the house to go to school and miss the bus..  I haven't managed to add a front door because of the level change. The garden also needs major redesign for uncuttable hedges.   A fixed version would be nice!