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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Marvin Kosh on 2005 July 31, 05:02:12

Title: Invisible dirty plate
Post by: Marvin Kosh on 2005 July 31, 05:02:12
Is there a procedure for getting rid of one of these from a Sim's lot?  The only tell-tale sign is the sound of (also invisible) flies buzzing around.  I've tried taking the walls out to make it phase-shift back into visibility but to no avail  :(

Title: Re: Invisible dirty plate
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 July 31, 05:11:12
Have you tried the lotdebugger?

Title: Re: Invisible dirty plate
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 July 31, 07:53:19
Try buyable fire.

Title: Re: Invisible dirty plate
Post by: Marvin Kosh on 2005 July 31, 23:11:02
I was all ready to use it, but the flies are gone.  I had to restart the game to install the buyable fire so maybe they really are gone.  Maybe there's a routine somewhere which specifically looks for objects that have got lodged in limbo, or maybe it was filtered out when the lot was saved.  Beats me.

Title: Re: Invisible dirty plate
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 July 31, 23:11:51
Light the whole lot on fire, just to be safe.