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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: LittleBear on 2013 March 15, 05:52:56

Title: Requesting Help with my Uploads
Post by: LittleBear on 2013 March 15, 05:52:56
I want to share and contribute as I appreciate the lack of stupidity on this site (OMG, have you been the the EA forums lately?) but I'm having a little stupidity of my own and I hope to get some pointers.  If I should just go away, that's fine, but I figured I'd try.

I have two lots I uploaded in a post (,22152.0.html) in the Pudding Factory.  They are hyperlinked to Dropbox, but I got some feedback stating that only other Dropbox users could access the files, which I didn't expect. I tried using 7zip to compress my package files to upload directly, but they are still too large.  Google suggested I mess around with the settings on 7zip, and I did, but I still can't get under the max upload size.  I searched on MATY, and I understand there is a thing called the compressor tool, but it looks like that is for getting your game to run smoother and not for uploading smaller package files.  Am I wrong?  What is the right way to go about this?  Perhaps I could simply link to the Sims 3 Exchange?  Or is that frowned upon? 

Thanks for the help if it comes. :)

Title: Re: Requesting Help with my Uploads
Post by: witch on 2013 March 15, 06:41:41