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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: kissing_toast on 2012 December 16, 01:47:01

Title: Sims 3 Folder Files Don't refresh upon Deletion
Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 December 16, 01:47:01
OK, I'm only asking this here because this only happens in my Sims 3 My Documents folder. When I delete something, a cache file for example, it only gets removed if I refresh the folder. I can only find articles from when Windows 7 first cam out that pertains to all folders and files. This has only just started happening and it's driving me insane! Does anyone have a clue?

Title: Re: Sims 3 Folder Files Don't refresh upon Deletion
Post by: witch on 2012 December 16, 01:52:34
Only to say that happens to me too, but not consistently, and in any folder. Win 7 64bit.
I hit F5 and it rights itself.

I didn't know it was an issue, it happens only rarely, I put it down to my SSD being too fast for Windoze.

Title: Re: Sims 3 Folder Files Don't refresh upon Deletion
Post by: Xav on 2012 December 16, 05:46:37
This only happens from time to time whenever I access folders from the Libraries shortcut tree. It technically does get deleted because if you try to delete the file again before refreshing, the system will say it no longer exists. If you search google with the keywords "windows 7 library refresh delete," you'll see the complaints about it.

Title: Re: Sims 3 Folder Files Don't refresh upon Deletion
Post by: Naiad on 2012 December 16, 07:04:41
I happens to me too from time to time, but usually I just refresh and it's gone. Since I always find it in the Recycle bin afterwards, I just ignore the bug.

Actually, the point of this post is to say that my hard drive is not SSD and I also have windows 7 64bit, so I don't think it's related to the SSD, as witch suspects.

Title: Re: Sims 3 Folder Files Don't refresh upon Deletion
Post by: Madame Mim on 2012 December 16, 07:08:17
I'm reasonably sure it's Win7 alone and not the drive type. My primary is SSD but I keep most files and downloads on a secondary drive. I know for a fact that deletions from the secondary drive do no always show up unless the screen is refreshed. I have no specific memory of similar occurences on my primary drive.

Title: Re: Sims 3 Folder Files Don't refresh upon Deletion
Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 December 17, 01:03:51
This only happens from time to time whenever I access folders from the Libraries shortcut tree. It technically does get deleted because if you try to delete the file again before refreshing, the system will say it no longer exists. If you search google with the keywords "windows 7 library refresh delete," you'll see the complaints about it.

Just tried this and yea, it's only happening from the libraries shortcuts. This only just started happening.