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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: vecki on 2005 December 04, 22:56:37

Title: Go away, you stupid gypsy matchmaker woman-type-thing!
Post by: vecki on 2005 December 04, 22:56:37
Why oh why, every time I start up NL, does that BLOODY gypsy come over to at least one house?  Even in houses where everybody is either not eligible for romance / devampirising (either too young or attached and not interested in anyone else), she'll rock up and give her spiel about 'Greetings, me dearie...' and hang around for hours on end if I don't either send someone to tell her to piss off or use the teleport shrub to get rid of her.

She'll show up at:

1) new sims' houses (often married sims, at that)
2) new houses of sims who have moved (again, firmly attached and not interested in the matchmaker's services)
3) the first house I play on starting the game

If I have 'autogreet on' on the dma teleporter, she'll invite herself in and make herself at home, sometimes while my sims are busy off working or at class... she even shows up at the dorms at Uni!


Does anyone have a hack or something that will prevent these unwanted visits?  She's getting as bad as a telephone call from a call centre in India telling me that my number has been randomly selected for a holiday in Afghanistan.

Title: Re: Go away, you stupid gypsy matchmaker woman-type-thing!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 04, 23:03:08
If you get Two Jeffs NPC and visitor zapper you can ban her from your lot.  He's working on a new updated version (check out his thread) and I've just said I hope she's going to be included in the ones you can automatically ban.

What really annoys me is, once she's been to the lot, your sim gets a phone call from some downtownie stranger asking them for a date!

Title: Re: Go away, you stupid gypsy matchmaker woman-type-thing!
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 04, 23:32:53

What really annoys me is, once she's been to the lot, your sim gets a phone call from some downtownie stranger asking them for a date!

Yes! This annoys the crap outta me, too! Check out my lovely wedding photos. Sim brynne and Justin just moved into a new house that morning and get married that evening. As we are standing under the arch, the friggin' cell phone rings!


It rings throughout the ceremony, so immediately after kissing his bride, Justin answers the phone. Stupid freaking Dina Caliente ! So sim me snatches the phone and yells "No, beeyotch , Justin does not want to meet you downtown. Go to hell!!!" Okay, so that last bit was my imagination taking over. But the feeling was there!


Title: Re: Go away, you stupid gypsy matchmaker woman-type-thing!
Post by: aussieone on 2005 December 04, 23:38:07
Hahahahaha...too funny Brynne

My your protective of your Simmies!!  :D

Title: Re: Go away, you stupid gypsy matchmaker woman-type-thing!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 04, 23:42:31
Guess you forgot to turn the ringer of before the ceremony, huh?

Title: Re: Go away, you stupid gypsy matchmaker woman-type-thing!
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 04, 23:45:24
Hahahahaha...too funny Brynne

My your protective of your Simmies!!  :D

Well, when I'm living vicariously through my sim-self, hell yeah!  ;) Dina calling was not part of the fantasy.

And, yeah, I forgot to turn the ringer off the cell phone. Dammit!

Title: Re: Go away, you stupid gypsy matchmaker woman-type-thing!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 04, 23:50:44
Be grateful it wasn't Nina!  She'd have had Justin for breakfast and then come back for dessert!

Title: Re: Go away, you stupid gypsy matchmaker woman-type-thing!
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 04, 23:51:55
Well, it could have been easily been Nina. Justin has already *had* both of them!

Title: Re: Go away, you stupid gypsy matchmaker woman-type-thing!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 04, 23:56:09
You're lucky he's still alive then - I'm sure it was Nina who murdered Michael Bachelor - at least it's always her he haunts!

Title: Re: Go away, you stupid gypsy matchmaker woman-type-thing!
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 05, 00:15:30
Nina knows better than to mess with me my sims.

Title: Re: Go away, you stupid gypsy matchmaker woman-type-thing!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 05, 00:21:43
Well, just yesterday she kicked over the Brokes' trashcan, and although I sent Keanu haring after her to Ventrilofart her, he was just a bit too slow (unfortunately Skip was rather busy, and too nice) but now Keanu is just waiting his chance!  (Mind you, he's a dustbin kicker himself!  LOL)

Title: Re: Go away, you stupid gypsy matchmaker woman-type-thing!
Post by: vecki on 2005 December 05, 00:35:41
Hee hee Nina's basically the cause of almost all strife in my neighbourhood (the other culprits being Kaylynn and Don Lothario).

I'd forgotten that she was having an affair with one of the downtownies, who invited Ricky Cormier out on an outing.  Ricky's currently living with Alexander Goth in a gay relationship, but being a romance sim, Ricky's up for anything.  Heck, right after having a dream date, he hit on one of his other friends, thus earning the date's ire.  (And Cassandra, heavily pregnant, also spotted him on the date so I keep waiting for the gossip to get back to Alex).

I don't usually let my sims go out on outings because the sheer number of sims involved slows the game down to a crawl, but this time I thought what the hell. Ricky wants to make out with 3 sims and have 3 loves at once, and the relationship points were so high it would have been easy.

Except Nina came along to the outing as well.  And me, having forgotten who she was sleeping with, had Ricky flirt with the downtownie.

Bam.  First Horrible outing ever.  They all cheered when I mercy killed it and sent Ricky home.

Title: Re: Go away, you stupid gypsy matchmaker woman-type-thing!
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 05, 00:39:41
Well, just yesterday she kicked over the Brokes' trashcan, and although I sent Keanu haring after her to Ventrilofart her, he was just a bit too slow

Two words, my friend. Voodoo bottle. Make someone pee...Nina!
Shaddup, JM.  :-*

Title: Re: Go away, you stupid gypsy matchmaker woman-type-thing!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 05, 00:44:46
Well, I want Keanu to hate her!  Trouble is, he gets turned on by redheads and he's in love with Lilith just now - though he usually is in every game I've played, even when I had him as Popularity not Romance!  He often ends up in a gay relationship, but this time I think he'd better stay straight - Dustin and Dirk are already an item! - and Brandi does want to have grandhchildren!  Can't leave it all to poor Beau!