More Awesome Than You!

TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Rubyelf on 2012 July 03, 03:05:36

Title: Have I broken it?
Post by: Rubyelf on 2012 July 03, 03:05:36
So I just recently installed an ARRed Katy Perry Sweet Stuff (only because I like some of the things in it...), I could use the crack but I'd rather not, so I have AwesomeConfig set to enable NoCD, but it didn't work. So I downloaded NRAAS' NoCD, it also did not work. Is it because of my version? It updated to the NoCD's worked in the past before Showtime (which I purchased), but for this one it's just not working. Any ideas?

Title: Re: Have I broke it?
Post by: RebelRed on 2012 July 03, 04:00:32
Don't go through the launcher, use the sims3 exe.  Works for me. 

Title: Re: Have I broke it?
Post by: Rubyelf on 2012 July 03, 05:15:31
Don't go through the launcher, use the sims3 exe.  Works for me. 

That worked, thanks, never had that issue running through the launcher before, I am curious as to what has changed?

Title: Re: Have I broken it?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2012 July 03, 06:20:14
What changed? I thought you answered that question yourself: You installed a thing.

Title: Re: Have I broken it?
Post by: Rubyelf on 2012 July 03, 06:59:47
What changed? I thought you answered that question yourself: You installed a thing.

What I was referring to, as I realise I may have been vague, was the compatibility for both Awesome and the NRAAS NoCD was for the latest version of the game, which I have, so I was wondering if I did something wrong there to prevent it running through the launcher anymore.

Title: Re: Have I broken it?
Post by: notouching on 2012 July 03, 11:01:46
NRaas NoCD has always needed to be used without the launcher. Did you have a legit digital download of Showtime? That would explain why installing a thing suddenly requires you to bypass the launcher.

Title: Re: Have I broken it?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2012 July 03, 11:03:37
The Launcher has never been an approved method of running the game, so there's no reason to believe it should work at all, and working at all is considered the exception rather than the rule.

Title: Re: Have I broken it?
Post by: virgali on 2012 July 03, 15:28:53
I'm still on the fence about arring KPST. It's so bad I'm not sure I want it for free. NRAAS' no CD mod doesn't need to be updated. That's the entire point of having a no cd mod. You don't have to mess around with game files so you won't have to wait for an update when a new patch is released. Nor do you have to worry about missing files if you forgot to make a back-up. It has always required me to run the game from the .exe as well, even when I played with my paid for content only. Then again I don't leave disks in my drive.

Title: Re: Have I broken it?
Post by: RebelRed on 2012 July 03, 19:19:14
I have a mix of arr'ed and legit expansions but I have always been able to use the launcher with AM until the KP shit pack.  Don't know what difference it made, but don't really give two shits anyhoo the launcher is a POS.

Title: Re: Have I broken it?
Post by: Rubyelf on 2012 July 04, 22:52:12
I have a mix of arr'ed and legit expansions but I have always been able to use the launcher with AM until the KP shit pack.  Don't know what difference it made, but don't really give two shits anyhoo the launcher is a POS.

That's what happened with me, which is why I asked, only reason I tended to use the launcher was when installing SimPacks etc and if I was already there I'd hit the play button, habit.

Title: Re: Have I broken it?
Post by: RebelRed on 2012 July 05, 03:59:13
That's the only reason I use it too.  I tried CCmagic, but I must be a complete and total retard because I couldn't make it work no matter what I did.  Meh, my game works pretty well right now so I think I'll just leave well enough alone.

Title: Re: Have I broken it?
Post by: Monty on 2012 July 17, 11:54:39
So I just recently installed an ARRed Katy Perry Sweet Stuff

Found your problem.

Title: Re: Have I broken it?
Post by: RebelRed on 2012 July 17, 15:40:43
I think we already determined that ASSHOLE.  Hello Captain Obvious!