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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: phnxflyng on 2012 June 21, 17:42:31

Title: oops I broke it / no more strays
Post by: phnxflyng on 2012 June 21, 17:42:31
I wanted to start over without deserting my world, which I've been improving upon for a few weeks, so I opted for "destroyallhumans." Now I have no strays or adoptables, although there are still a couple of wild horses, deer and a raccoon. When I do "ShowPetPoolStats" I get this:
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So, somehow I have 62 pets, all are supposed to be in pools, but it doesn't seem to line up.

I've been playing for about 1 sim week since the mass murder.

Is there a way to fix this? I'd like to have strays and adoptable pets back in the game. Thanks in advance for any advice.

Title: Re: oops I broke it / no more strays
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2012 June 22, 00:03:08
I'll look into it. Do "listhomeless". Do you see them in the Pets fambly? If so, then you're fine, they just happen to be slow about appearing.

Title: Re: oops I broke it / no more strays
Post by: phnxflyng on 2012 June 22, 17:54:29
I'll look into it. Do "listhomeless". Do you see them in the Pets fambly? If so, then you're fine, they just happen to be slow about appearing.

Thanks, El Presidente. Listhomeless shows 58 in the pets household, so I'm good.