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Awesomeware => AwesomeMod! => Topic started by: sametoone on 2012 March 26, 18:47:13

Title: The SIms 3 Pet issues with reinstalling AwesomeMod
Post by: sametoone on 2012 March 26, 18:47:13
Hello everyone,

For the last few weeks I've been using AM without any issues. Since it expired and I tried to reinstall it however, I am no longer able to get The Sims 3 to run.

Using: The Sims Pets (Version with the latest AwesomeMod version under Windows 7.

Like described in this (,15645.msg463292.html#msg463292) post by JBoat, I:

1. Have no copies of awesome.package on my computer aside from the one in my main Sims 3/Mods/Packages directory.
2. Same for aweconf.package
3. The Packages directory was empty when I unpacked the awesome.package into it.
4. I deleted the 4 cache files in the My Documents part of the Sims 3 installation.
5. Deleted worldcache files for both the Sims 3 and Pets directories (including the worldcache for the town I was playing previously)
6. The only files in Sims 3/Mods/Packages are awesome.package and aweconf.package
7. I redid the config for the aforementioned aweconf.package, of which there was no copy before I put it there.
8. The framework files are in both The Sims 3 and Sims 3 Pets directories. (Although the Packages directory for Pets is empty, as those files are in Sims 3/Mods/Packages)

However despite this I cannot get the Sims with AM to work anymore. Maybe worth noting is that when I start up I get the "It looks like you have installed an unofficial game modification that does not match your current version of The Sims 3." message. When I choose 'Continue', I get stuck on the loading screen after the intro movies, with the bar simply not moving and the seeming only way out to crash the game through the task manager.

Is there anybody with a suggestion to fix this issue and get AwesomeMod to work again? If there is no other way but start with a clean installation I'll do that, but obviously I'd prefer to not lose my saved games. In this case, any suggestions what might have caused this and should be done differently would be most welcome, to prevent it from happening in the future.

Thanks in advance!

Title: Re: The SIms 3 Pet issues with reinstalling AwesomeMod
Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 March 26, 19:18:31
You do know you've answered your own damn question, right?

*sharpens stick*

Title: Re: The SIms 3 Pet issues with reinstalling AwesomeMod
Post by: Madame Mim on 2012 March 26, 22:05:28
*sheesh* It's not only an already answered question, it's a currently hot topic of conversation across the board.

Title: Re: The SIms 3 Pet issues with reinstalling AwesomeMod
Post by: bitterquill on 2012 March 28, 11:30:24
You should probably just delete your packages folder and never look back. If you can't decipher a basic error warning even when you're repeating it verbatim, or figure out how to back things up in the event that you have to reinstall, you're probably better off not using mods. Seriously, for your own good.

Title: Re: The SIms 3 Pet issues with reinstalling AwesomeMod
Post by: morriganrant on 2012 March 29, 18:29:46
If it's giving a message about mismatched versions, then you must have mismatched versions. Did you install the now pulled patches? Any why the fuck is this it's own thread?

Title: Re: The SIms 3 Pet issues with reinstalling AwesomeMod
Post by: jezzer on 2012 March 29, 21:50:11
Because it's an idiot speshul snowflake that thinks its problem is THE SPESHULEST OF ALL and thus deserving of SPESHUL ATTENSHUN.

Die in a fire, snowflake.