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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Mike on 2005 December 02, 03:39:37

Title: Im having trouble with the AutoYakYak Macro Phone Caller.
Post by: Mike on 2005 December 02, 03:39:37
When I click the link to download it, I get "The page can not be found." Is the hack still available for download?  ???

Title: Re: Im having trouble with the AutoYakYak Macro Phone Caller.
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 December 02, 04:01:34
It is.  Try it from here (

Pescado must've had another nasty bout of narcolepsy that day.  :P

Title: Re: Im having trouble with the AutoYakYak Macro Phone Caller.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 December 02, 06:50:00
Nah, some of the links just haven't been updated ever since the directories were reorganized for NL.