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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: RabidAngel on 2005 December 01, 23:20:32

Title: Question about simpe relationship editing...
Post by: RabidAngel on 2005 December 01, 23:20:32
Hi all,
I have a question about relationship editing in Simpe...
In fact, when it comes to this, I'm a complete newb...I rarely delve into this stuff, so please bare with me if these questions are completely dense...
When I initially started one of my families, I created two males who were supposed to be brothers (this was way back when the sims2 had first come out) and I forgot to tie them with the family tree as brothers. (So, in essence, I made them brothers in my own mind, heehee)...
I began playing and soon moved one of the brothers out to start a new family, and never got back to playing the other "brother" until very recently.
My question is this...
I would like to tie them, now belatedly, as brothers...My issue is that the one I played has children and grandchildren by now so there are many character relations I will have to edit to get them all correct.  Back when simpe was newer, I thought I remembered reading that you have to go in and individually edit each character file to get all of the relations correct....
Is this still the case?  I'm wondering if I just tied the two as brothers, if all of the other characters (ie nephews, nieces) will update automatically or if i'd have to go and edit each character.
It worries me a little to do it manually since I might forget something and screw everyone up...
Is there, as of yet, a simpler way to go about this?  Can anyone suggest a method?  Or should I just forget about it and leave everything as is? 
Does any of my rambling make sense?
Thanks everyone...I look forward to clearing this issue up..
From now on, I'll try to remember to tie up the family's in the CAS section, but I'm hoping to be able to fix this one issue as this was supposed to be one of my founding families.
Thanks again!

Title: Re: Question about simpe relationship editing...
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 December 02, 02:30:11
If  you mark them as brothers in their relationship panels in the Sim Browser, that alone won't make them brothers in the family tree (not sure why, but it won't).  I've found that the only way to get them to be siblings is to choose a random sim and make them the parent of them both, then they will automatically become siblings.  Once you've done that, you can delete the parent/child relationships and the siblings relationship will stay.  All other relationships (cousin, niece/nephew, etc.) should fall in automatically - if they don't you can add them manually in their relationship panels.

Title: Re: Question about simpe relationship editing...
Post by: resmc on 2005 December 02, 02:38:41
Also, check the "keep consistent" box at the bottom of the Family Ties screen. this may save you from doing too much, but, despite the name, this feature doesn't seem too consistent in my experience.  ???
And as AncientSim pointed out, this doesn't make them family unless you check the "family" box in the relationship panel.
So no, I am not aware of a simpler meathod of doing this, but I am not a SimPE expert...

Title: Re: Question about simpe relationship editing...
Post by: RabidAngel on 2005 December 02, 04:21:12
Thank you both for the info!
It sounds like I won't have to go and manually edit each member of the family individually, which is exactly what I had hoped to hear.
Thank you again, most humbly.

Title: Re: Question about simpe relationship editing...
Post by: RabidAngel on 2005 December 02, 07:01:58
I tried editing the family ties via simpe and using a random sim as the father for both...It didn't work for me.  It didn't make the sims siblings, (I had to do it manually) nor did it update any of the other family members (ie nieces & nephews)...
Perhaps I've done something wrong? 
Could anyone possibly suggest a decent & current tutorial for character relationship editing in simpe?
I know how to get around it for things like creating, but just have no knowledge of family editing.
If I mess around with that and forget to update people in the family, will it burninate my entire neighborhood? :o
Many thanks once again!

Title: Re: Question about simpe relationship editing...
Post by: cwykes on 2005 December 02, 12:42:00
Thanks for this - I've been doing a bit of editing like this myself.  I found I had to go into the family tree bit of SimPE AND the relationship bit to fix things how I wanted -  not forgetting to check the keep consistent and the family boxes along the way.
I only have base game, no EPs and I always wonder if that makes a difference....

Title: Re: Question about simpe relationship editing...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 02, 19:46:56
The Family ties section only allows you to create wives/husbands, children, grandchildren and siblings.  It doesn't cover cousinship or aunt/uncleship since these don't appear in a sims own family tree.  However, once all the members of the family have been edited, then when you extend a family tree, these relationships will be there, as long as you have also put them in correctly in the Relationships panel.  Have you got a spare couple of hours?  And make sure you get everything right before you commit, or you're back to square one!

Title: Re: Question about simpe relationship editing...
Post by: RabidAngel on 2005 December 03, 01:47:03
AH yes, That is exactly what I feared ZephyrZodiac....
Well, I think I'll just leave their relations and tree alone for now...Perhaps someone will create a program that is automated for that specific task....
At that point, I will try to fix it again, but for now I'll leave their relationship to my imagination. lol, i fear the burnintation and inevitable lip ripping I will receive if I screw things up and have to come whining and begging for assistance with my pile of molten ash of a neighborhood.
Thanks for clarifying, Zephyr.

Title: Re: Question about simpe relationship editing...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 03, 01:53:10
Have you considered cloning the whole family and then putting them into a new neighbourhood?  They'd be starting at the beginning as CAS sims, and much easier then to get the family tree right.

Title: Re: Question about simpe relationship editing...
Post by: RabidAngel on 2005 December 03, 20:53:28
That is a great idea!
I hadn't thought of it for this family, but have been thinking about starting a new one for awhile since my neighborhood has gotten huge due to all of the npc bugs that had come about previously.....
I think I will do that since it's been something I've considered for awhile.....Thanks for the great idea, ZZ :)

Title: Re: Question about simpe relationship editing...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 03, 21:40:44
Hope it works out!