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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: jennydeenyc on 2005 November 30, 22:10:22

Title: REQ: no multi-serve residential mod?
Post by: jennydeenyc on 2005 November 30, 22:10:22
I have quite a few of the food-related behavior mods, such as Smart Serve & No Community Serve, but I don't think I've seen one that prevents sims from laying out individual portions of a group meal at home. Sometimes I have a tired & hungry sim who decides to make some food, but by the time they finish laying out 6-8 plates for everyone in the house, the Sleep Clock forces them to bed without ever eating! I know I could just cancel the Serve action, but that means the serving plate generally ends up on the floor, which I don't like either. I'd prefer it if they just cooked the group meal, laid the serving plate on the counter & then grabbed their own plate en route to the table. Any thoughts?

Title: Re: REQ: no multi-serve residential mod?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 30, 22:12:53
That's a good idea. I'd like to see something like that, too.

Title: Re: REQ: no multi-serve residential mod?
Post by: SaraMK on 2005 November 30, 22:18:17
I hate how the idiots dump the serving platters on the floor. If THAT could be fixed, then we could just cancel the serving action, meaning we could have sims serve or not serve depending on what we want at the time.

Title: Re: REQ: no multi-serve residential mod?
Post by: SIMplyLisa on 2005 November 30, 22:41:43
Also, how about the fireman has put out the meal that the stupid Sim set the place on fire with, so just throw it away already!

Title: Re: REQ: no multi-serve residential mod?
Post by: jennydeenyc on 2005 November 30, 22:48:11
I also just realized what a time-saver this could be on the cleanup end of things, only having to clear up the serving dish instead of 5 plates of food that were put on the table but never touched!

Title: Re: REQ: no multi-serve residential mod?
Post by: vector on 2005 November 30, 23:22:09
Also, how about the fireman has put out the meal that the stupid Sim set the place on fire with, so just throw it away already!

God, no. If they burnt it, they should eat it. I don't care if it's got Fireman's Foam in it.

Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

Title: Re: REQ: no multi-serve residential mod?
Post by: SIMplyLisa on 2005 December 01, 00:32:14
OK, I confess, sometimes I make them eat it anyway.....

Title: Re: REQ: no multi-serve residential mod?
Post by: buddha pest on 2005 December 01, 06:34:55
What's wrong with burnt food anyway?

More often than not, I feed the headmaster burnt lobster thermador and get something like 45 points for it.

Title: Re: REQ: no multi-serve residential mod?
Post by: cristalfiona on 2005 December 01, 10:03:51
I only ever let my sims serve food once. It annoyed me so much that i took out the dining table and chairs and just put a sofa in there instead. My sims tend to eat in shifts depending on who i want to socialise anyway, so this was easier. Any guests can stand  ;D

Title: Re: REQ: no multi-serve residential mod?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 December 01, 10:49:42
I only ever let my sims serve food once. It annoyed me so much that i took out the dining table and chairs and just put a sofa in there instead. My sims tend to eat in shifts depending on who i want to socialise anyway, so this was easier. Any guests can stand  ;D

Stand?  Don't invite me over for dinner, then!

Anyway ... if you have Dizzy's SmartServe mod in you can get the kids to cook the meals.  They automatically put the dish onto the nearest worktop and everyone has to help themselves.  Maybe it could be adapted so the adults do the same thing.

Title: Re: REQ: no multi-serve residential mod?
Post by: cristalfiona on 2005 December 01, 11:00:23
I had that, but i took it out. I have the keep for 24hr hack, so its easier to just makes 6 meals, that way if someone isnt hungry at the time, they can eat later, without me having to get them to cook again.

Edit: And i only make my sims guests stand, as they dont seem to care. Although the fact that i only have 2 chairs in my flat makes things difficult.

Title: Re: REQ: no multi-serve residential mod?
Post by: SIMplyLisa on 2005 December 01, 12:39:32
I can't play without smart-serve, I would have to use Inges plant and turn food needs to green all the time! I vote for the sling to platter on the counter and call everyone to the table, let them serve themselves, with an exception if someone is sitting at the table patiently waiting for the food..

Title: Re: REQ: no multi-serve residential mod?
Post by: speedreader on 2005 December 01, 12:48:41
I have found that if you cancel just as they are putting the food on the platter they generally set the platter on the counter instead of the floor.  OK, so I micromanage alittle.