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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: ohayitstiffanay on 2011 December 08, 01:55:57

Title: Unhandled Page Fault on Write Access & Graphical Issues
Post by: ohayitstiffanay on 2011 December 08, 01:55:57

I recently got Pets and Generations, and ever since I installed generations, every time I play the game, I get an error message saying

"Exception Raised
Unhandled Page Fault on Write Access at address
_____ x ________

Do you wish to debug it? "

and no matter if I click yes or no, it exits my game without saving.

This usually happens when I look at the Memories scrapbook or am in Build/Buy mode using a lot of things.

I made a topic on MTS and got no responses.

I have had multiple graphical problems also, such as custom clothing coming up as just codes and what looks like colorful bar codes, then my game crashes and my Macbook Pro says "Sims 3 Pets has quit unexpectedly."

I also have a video on youtube displaying what kind of problems I have with the graphics before it crashes.

Any suggestions on anything I just mentioned?

Title: Re: Unhandled Page Fault on Write Access & Graphical Issues
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2011 December 08, 02:18:27
My guess is that you either have too much crap in your game or need to get a real computer. Possibly both.

Title: Re: Unhandled Page Fault on Write Access & Graphical Issues
Post by: ohayitstiffanay on 2011 December 08, 02:21:41
I figured that. But the "exception raised" is my biggest "pain-in-ass" concern, is that from too much crap or a crappy computer?