More Awesome Than You!

TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: cinderemma on 2011 December 04, 21:51:37

Title: Can I install Awesomemod for a month, then uninstall without problems?
Post by: cinderemma on 2011 December 04, 21:51:37
I use Twallan's mods normally, I just like them better. *ducks from flames* It's just my personal opinion, and I like aspects of this mod as well. But I can't get into Twallan's website for some reason, it seems to be something wrong with my computer. Since I reinstalled then was forced to uninstall Pets, I had many problems with my game, and one of my attempts to fix my computer was to delete all CC/mods. Stupid, I know, I should have just separated them from the game. So yes, I have no way to use Twallan's mods at the moment.
I'm getting a new computer for Christmas, so I plan on trying again after I get it, but I'm going crazy without some third party mod to fix things. EA has way too many glitches for my liking. So, can I use Awesomemod for this amount of time so I can use all my sliders and have less stupid glitches, then uninstall?

Title: Re: Can I install Awesomemod for a month, then uninstall without problems?
Post by: Madame Mim on 2011 December 04, 22:28:40
It is entirely possible to install The Awesome and later remove it (by the proper method) and continue with gameplay - but - by what you've just described, I'm just not sure it's possible for you to do it.

Title: Re: Can I install Awesomemod for a month, then uninstall without problems?
Post by: cinderemma on 2011 December 04, 22:44:12
Sarcasm aside, thanks.

Title: Re: Can I install Awesomemod for a month, then uninstall without problems?
Post by: Georgette on 2011 December 05, 15:43:31
I don't think that was sarcastic. I concur that it seems like you would struggle to do it.

Title: Re: Can I install Awesomemod for a month, then uninstall without problems?
Post by: jezzer on 2011 December 05, 23:15:37
I'm pretty amazed that the OP managed to create a thread without losing an eye or a finger.