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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: jennydeenyc on 2005 November 30, 03:45:29

Title: undeletable doll house?
Post by: jennydeenyc on 2005 November 30, 03:45:29
Hi All,

Tried a search but couldn't find relevant stuff, hoping someone out there has some advice. One of my Sim teens was going through a rough patch & took it out on the family dollhouses. Nobody cleaned it up right away & finally when I tried to direct a Sim to dispose of it, the game told me the item was already in use (by who I have no idea). Anyway, I turned moveobjects on & can pick the thing up in Buy mode, but can't delete it. Any clues on how to rid my lot of this broken eyesore? Thanks in advance...

Title: Re: undeletable doll house?
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 30, 03:48:32
I would definitely give a shot to JM Pescado "stuck object remover" that can be found here:

Title: Re: undeletable doll house?
Post by: jennydeenyc on 2005 November 30, 03:50:08
Yeah, I had seen that item in JM's forum, but I didn't think it really applies here since the item isn't invisible. Think it's still worth a shot?

Title: Re: undeletable doll house?
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 30, 03:53:46
I read about a portable fire that could also do the trick, you could try both.  Or if you have the FFS lot debugger never know it could work too.

Title: Re: undeletable doll house?
Post by: jennydeenyc on 2005 November 30, 04:21:44
I have the debugger but it doesn't seem to see that there's an issue with the dollhouse. I'll think about that fire idea :-)

Title: Re: undeletable doll house?
Post by: idtaminger on 2005 November 30, 05:02:03
I dunno which games you have, but post NL patch, that problem's gone for me. I had it w/ the original TS2, and I got rid of it only by moving the family out and then back in.

Title: Re: undeletable doll house?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 30, 05:06:23
The stuck object remover works fine for removing this sort of stuck object.

Title: Re: undeletable doll house?
Post by: jennydeenyc on 2005 November 30, 05:23:52
Thanks JM, was just downloading it anyway to try it myself  :D

I have NL & the patch installed, so I guess it's still possible to have this problem even with them.