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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: moonlitmagik on 2011 November 15, 18:54:33

Title: Arrghe'd game and all EP's, won't install custom worlds
Post by: moonlitmagik on 2011 November 15, 18:54:33
I've downloaded riverview and hidden springs from here (thanks guys!) and a lot of other store content which has worked without fail. Of course all my CC is fucked up thanks to the install of pets. I can't find any patches anywhere on the internet, when I open my launcher and tell the damn thing to update, it says there's nothing for it to update (surprise surprise), and yet when I go to install riverview or hidden springs, the launcher gives me a make sure your game is updated to the latest version.

Umm... what? Thanks EA, because we NEVER get tired of your lack of quality control... it amazes me how often amazing people like yourselves have to fix their nasty code and patch their patches.

Title: Re: Arrghe'd game and all EP's, won't install custom worlds
Post by: moonlitmagik on 2011 November 15, 19:43:21
well I did some more searching and ran it thru the decrapifyer as was suggested... now, the worlds install, but are they playable? film at 11...

Title: Re: Arrghe'd game and all EP's, won't install custom worlds
Post by: Seacret on 2011 November 15, 21:58:36
You are a fucking moron. First you didn't search properly and second there is a whole fucking thread to discuss store content but you thought that thread was beneath you so you started your own. I'm surprised you can play the game at all.

Title: Re: Arrghe'd game and all EP's, won't install custom worlds
Post by: jezzer on 2011 November 15, 22:51:41
On the other hand, it has very nice typing for something that communicates by bashing its head on the keyboard.

Title: Re: Arrghe'd game and all EP's, won't install custom worlds
Post by: moonlitmagik on 2011 November 16, 00:04:13
I actually had to run the files thru the decrapifyer twice before my game would even recognize them. once before i installed, and a second time i ran the .world file. Everything plays as normal. And I have both non decrapifyed and crapifyed content on my system and thus far my PC hasn't exploded in a firey ball of death. I did use the TSR rigfix program (I know, probably shouldn't have even downloaded it) but my custom content is still acting wonky... my family will sleep in a custom non eaxian bed and get stuck there forever. Or at least until someone uses the resetsim cheat.

Title: Re: Arrghe'd game and all EP's, won't install custom worlds
Post by: Moryrie on 2011 November 16, 01:31:55
Because you have to fix beds manually. Neither rigfix program works on beds.

Title: Re: Arrghe'd game and all EP's, won't install custom worlds
Post by: jezzer on 2011 November 16, 02:25:18
RIG fix worked on the store beds for me, but I haven't tried non-EA beds.

Title: Re: Arrghe'd game and all EP's, won't install custom worlds
Post by: Moryrie on 2011 November 16, 02:36:03
It varies. I know I had to fix at least 4 of the store ones. They were not exactly the most versatile ones though, so you might not have noticed.

Title: Re: Arrghe'd game and all EP's, won't install custom worlds
Post by: moonlitmagik on 2011 November 16, 18:25:28
any links to where i can find what exactly is required to "manually" fix said fucked up beds? It seems that ever since I ran all my shit thru the decrapifyer and fixed all my CC, my game runs slower than hell. I'd like to try the compressorizer to compress my package files but one step at a time....

Title: Re: Arrghe'd game and all EP's, won't install custom worlds
Post by: socurious on 2011 November 16, 19:03:05
any links to where i can find what exactly is required to "manually" fix said fucked up beds? It seems that ever since I ran all my shit thru the decrapifyer and fixed all my CC, my game runs slower than hell. I'd like to try the compressorizer to compress my package files but one step at a time....

You really should read this thread again and try comprehending what the posters have written. After reading the interchange between Moryrie and jeromycraig, I google searched, and voila - a linky-poo to the information appeared!