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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: sabra on 2005 November 29, 21:18:33

Title: Uni and NL patches--available anywhere else than official site?
Post by: sabra on 2005 November 29, 21:18:33
The official site has either been down or refusing to return my phone calls for several days, and you guys have scared me out of playing my new Xpacks without the patch.  Is there somewhere else to get it?   ???


Title: Re: Uni and NL patches--available anywhere else than official site?
Post by: baratron on 2005 November 29, 22:31:06
How about the other official sites. Such as ?

Title: Re: Uni and NL patches--available anywhere else than official site?
Post by: sabra on 2005 November 29, 23:51:38

Thank you.

*Hits self with Smart Milk bottle*

Title: Re: Uni and NL patches--available anywhere else than official site?
Post by: sanmonroe on 2005 November 30, 02:57:14
Why is the UK site so much nicer than the regular one? They even have a real BBS instead of that homemade crap.