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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Kala on 2005 November 29, 16:16:02

Title: Altering Event Music
Post by: Kala on 2005 November 29, 16:16:02
I'd like to know if you can alter the volume of event music in the game?  Don and Cassandra did it for the first time while the burbs were visiting.  Jennifer was squacking on the Kareoki(sp?) machine while the first WooHoo video was going on.  I heard her bad singing insted of the music that goes with the video.  I got a good laugh out of it, but I don't want it to happen agian.

Title: Re: Altering Event Music
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 29, 16:23:13
In the options section, there is a button for sound. You can adjust the individual sound events (like voice, ambient, etc.) there.