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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: jonas on 2011 October 04, 09:01:11

Title: CAST in Build and Buy Mode Bogging Down the Game
Post by: jonas on 2011 October 04, 09:01:11
This is a relatively new issue that I've had and I imagine I'm not the only one.  Also, I posted this on the main site tech help, but here's just so much better.

As of late, When CAST-ing anything in build or buy mode, the game really starts to lag to the point where my mouse doesn't catch up very quickly. I am forced to switch back and forth between build and buy which temporarily fixes the problem until my next CAST change.

This doesn't seem to happen with clothes in CAS, just house decorating.

Never used to be an issue. I THINK it started up about a month ago and is slowly getting worse.

Then I notice the absolutely SICK amount of memories I've managed to get(why the hell did they implement them in the first place?) and have to wonder if it's the memories clogging up the game?

Anyone else having this problem or know the cause?

Title: Re: CAST in Build and Buy Mode Bogging Down the Game
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2011 October 04, 09:51:52
Then I notice the absolutely SICK amount of memories I've managed to get(why the hell did they implement them in the first place?)
They implemented them BECAUSE PEOPLE DEMANDED THEM, because people are IMBECILES and never contemplating the implications of what they are asking for.

Title: Re: CAST in Build and Buy Mode Bogging Down the Game
Post by: floopyboo on 2011 October 04, 11:42:32
Then I notice the absolutely SICK amount of memories I've managed to get(why the hell did they implement them in the first place?)
They implemented them BECAUSE PEOPLE DEMANDED THEM, because people are IMBECILES and never contemplating the implications of what they are asking for.

I was happy without memories. I was horrified when they returned. I thank the mods Pescado & Twallan for giving me back the game I wanted rather than the one foisted upon me by bleating stupidity.

Jonas, go  here (, download that mod, go into your game, out in to town view & click on city hall and select the Nrass menu. You will eventually find a control in there that gives you the option to turn off memories for the entire world. please note that this only works in the main world and does not apply to the vacation worlds. Now since you're here I am going to assume you have awesomemod in, so to save yourself some time, you can clear memories for your entire town that way. Unfortunately, this is the most reliable way to keep memory spam down in the vacation worlds, so if you play them a lot, I'd recommend clearing memories once every few sim hours or they will get monstrous. And remember to clear memories before your sims head home. Without the memories you will find that your game does not lag unless your gaming runs to 4-5 hours in a session, in which case it's time to get up & take your dog for a walk instead of gaming all day.

Title: Re: CAST in Build and Buy Mode Bogging Down the Game
Post by: wizard_merlin on 2011 October 05, 04:58:54
There is also a mod over at MTS which allows you to select which memories, if any, you want the game to record.

Title: Re: CAST in Build and Buy Mode Bogging Down the Game
Post by: jonas on 2011 October 05, 11:00:26
While I'm still getting some slowdown in Build/Buy CAST(mostly after being in it awhile), deleting the memories made a marked difference in my general lag and improved my issue.  This mod is really handy to have!
I'm so happy to be rid of the inane, completely fake memories!
No more: "Vicky will never forget how turning her head slightly to the left for the first time was so fucking amazing!"