Title: Awesomemod charity feature. Post by: susannahmia on 2011 October 03, 01:59:10 I've been wondering for a whiile how exactly the charity feature distributes donations. Does a percentage of the donation go into each homeless families funds or does it just cut their expenses/ cause them to lose funds more slowly without actually showing up as income?
I have been donating to charity and checking my homeless families funds, I can't see any change after a donation. Title: Re: Awesomemod charity feature. Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2011 October 03, 02:31:19 It acts as a buffer, covering their basic expenses.
Title: Re: Awesomemod charity feature. Post by: susannahmia on 2011 October 03, 03:04:05 :) Thank you.