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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Meek_Monkey on 2005 November 29, 01:43:02

Title: This was so annoying
Post by: Meek_Monkey on 2005 November 29, 01:43:02
Hi all. I was playing away and the last sim went to go to work, half way down the driveway I got an error message and then the car and driver just sat there and it remained there it would not move the build modes were grayed out so I could not use the move objects cheat to remove the car so I checked the options to save I was able to save it though and I couldnt even get the career rewards from the lot either as the hand was disabled too. The only way I was able to fix it was to move the family out and put into another lot. Just makes me so mad
 ??? :o :( >:(

Title: Re: This was so annoying
Post by: C.S. on 2005 November 29, 12:52:44
Hi all. I was playing away and the last sim went to go to work, half way down the driveway I got an error message and then the car and driver just sat there and it remained there it would not move the build modes were grayed out so I could not use the move objects cheat to remove the car so I checked the options to save I was able to save it though and I couldnt even get the career rewards from the lot either as the hand was disabled too. The only way I was able to fix it was to move the family out and put into another lot. Just makes me so mad
 ??? :o :( >:(

You could try opening the cheat window and use the dorm cheat (boolprop dormspecifictoolsdisabled false) to enable the buy mode, maybe that'll enable you to pick up the car next time it happens?

Title: Re: This was so annoying
Post by: MokeyHokey on 2005 November 29, 13:09:05
I've occasionally had that happen, especially on long driveways.  If you enter debug mode (boolprop testingcheatsenabled true) and zoom into the car, you can "force error" on the sim, select "reset", and the sim will pop out of the car and things shouldl go back to normal.

Title: Re: This was so annoying
Post by: Meek_Monkey on 2005 November 29, 15:00:00
Thank you for the ideas. I will try them next time