More Awesome Than You!

TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: skington on 2011 September 03, 22:57:09

Title: Patch 1.24 borks WA - anyone else having this?
Post by: skington on 2011 September 03, 22:57:09
I've recently a) upgraded to base game patch 1.24, and b) started a new game with the compatible version of AwesomeMod and Twallan's Master Controller. World Adventures appears to be seriously borked - not at first, but eventually I've got to the point in both France and China where I'll go to the adventure board and look for a new adventure, my Sim will do the scanning the board for stuff animation, and then nothing happens. Occasionally I'll get one of the rubbish "go and fetch me 5 frogs" adventures, but never anything serious.

I can bypass this by triggering an adventure opportunity via Twallan's Master Controller, and that works as long as I stay in the same foreign location, but as soon as I get an opportunity that requires me to travel elsewhere, travel home, then travel to that second location, the opportunity vanishes as soon as I arrive.

Egypt has so far avoided any of these problems, but it's now doing something I had in a previous game: I'll travel abroad, the progress bar moves at expected speed, until it stalls at about 98-98%, even if I do a fixall, destroyallnpcs, destroyalltownies first. I think I managed to fix this previously with therapture, but I'm not sure. I'm happy to do some more testing if that would help.

I've found other issues with pathfinding - Sims find it impossible to go from one arbitrary point in a tomb to another arbitrary point if their normal path would take them through an arch or, particularly, over what's left of a now-cleared rubble pile - but that's merely annoying rather than game-breaking.

Is anyone else having anything like these problems?

Title: Re: Patch 1.24 borks WA - anyone else having this?
Post by: jezzer on 2011 September 04, 00:47:44
No, no one else has ever had these problems in the entire history of the game, and certainly never on here in any of the other threads.  You are indeed a unique snowflake.

Title: Re: Patch 1.24 borks WA - anyone else having this?
Post by: Sita on 2011 September 04, 09:05:32
Oddly, according to Jeromy and others, the ONLY problems with WA are those that hit straight away before you install anything later. Actually, that's not true. (Maybe no-one here plays the WA stuff).
Lots of people HAVE had trouble with the EA features, at various stages of installation. Try the EA boards or MTS2, you'll get a more helpful response. The fact is EA broke something in the WA gameplay with some patches or some EPs. For me it was Generations or the patches around Generations. Everything worked beautifully for me till then. But those bugs that no-one else ever has, have killed my worlds.

No, no one else has ever had these problems in the entire history of the game, and certainly never on here in any of the other threads.

Title: Re: Patch 1.24 borks WA - anyone else having this?
Post by: skington on 2011 September 04, 11:16:39
After some experimentation, deleting TravelDB.package and the world package files in your save game looks like a fix to the stalled progress bar problem. That also resets all opportunities and tombs, though.

Title: Re: Patch 1.24 borks WA - anyone else having this?
Post by: Eeyore on 2011 September 04, 14:21:13
Oddly, according to Jeromy and others, the ONLY problems with WA are those that hit straight away before you install anything later. Actually, that's not true. (Maybe no-one here plays the WA stuff).
Lots of people HAVE had trouble with the EA features, at various stages of installation. Try the EA boards or MTS2, you'll get a more helpful response. The fact is EA broke something in the WA gameplay with some patches or some EPs. For me it was Generations or the patches around Generations. Everything worked beautifully for me till then. But those bugs that no-one else ever has, have killed my worlds.

No, no one else has ever had these problems in the entire history of the game, and certainly never on here in any of the other threads.

You not only fail at context, continuity, searching, and accuracy but also at basic reading. Your inflated, aggressive, obstinate, and, one can only assume, willful ignorance is rude on other areas of MATY, but on the game-related threads it is execrable. I'll be so happy when you're domed.

Title: Re: Patch 1.24 borks WA - anyone else having this?
Post by: Sita on 2011 September 04, 14:24:16
Well, Eeyore, if there is a fix for the WA\Generations problem and it's somewhere on this site, I have not been able to find it, and believe me, I searched long and hard. I didn't WANT to lose my worlds where I have spent so much time building. I am merely replaying what was said to me. Wilful ignorance it ain't; I'll admit I might be stupid! but if so, help me not to be stupid instead of bashing me over the head. Or GBYH.

Title: Re: Patch 1.24 borks WA - anyone else having this?
Post by: Jeebus on 2011 September 04, 14:47:42
I'll admit I might be stupid!
What do you mean, MIGHT?

Title: Re: Patch 1.24 borks WA - anyone else having this?
Post by: Eeyore on 2011 September 04, 14:50:56
the WA\Generations problem

And here, again, you demonstrate that you live in a world called Titlights Myopia as you are unwilling to extrapolate from other posts. WA problems exist in many iterations but there is, as yet, no panacean fix for them. The best "fix" results seem to come from proper game installation, patching, and maintenance, i.e., the myriad ways to *prevent, deter, and delay the inevitable game gum up. And yet you have convinced yourself that people at MATY are withholding a specific fix for your specific problem. You are a fool who is unwilling to learn.

*Edit: these words are unnecessary.

Title: Re: Patch 1.24 borks WA - anyone else having this?
Post by: jezzer on 2011 September 04, 15:27:47
But those bugs that no-one else ever has, have killed my worlds.

We've seen your worlds.  They were mercy killings.