More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 27, 21:49:09

Title: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 27, 21:49:09
 Help we need a fix for the stupid nannies that leave the Job several hours before a parent arrives home from work.. in my game today My Sims Colleen and Sean Tricou  hired a nanny to take care of their  toddler Daughter. Daddy is Captain Hero and Mommy is on the Swat team so of course neither parent was due to be home until 4 p.m. or later.
  My Sim Mom put her toddler down for a nap Just before leaving for work. the Nanny Dagmar Kimbrell arrived on time no problem there so Mom went to work. the nanny was there for less than 2 hours when she walked off the Job leaving this toddler unattended. I hurried  up and Teleported  Grandpa in to take care of the  toddler. he was doing a great Job  but to no avail first the social worker showed up to lecture grandpa about leaving the baby unattended .I cancelled that action and removed the social worker from the lot.
  another social worker arrives and snatches the toddler from Grandpa who was teaching her to walk. so back to the shrub I go and teleport this toddler back to her parents lot and move her back in.
     I then had to go to simpe  and remove  the child taken by social worker memory from both parents.
 I have since permanently  fixed the issue for this toddler by hastily getting her aunt married to her Fiancee to open up a bedroom at grandpa's house which already had 15  people in it  and now has 18 on the lot with the
  addition of the toddler and her parents . and will soon have 20 sims on the lot.
      for this little family Grandpa's house corrects the issue of the derelict nanny but other families dont have that luxury in my neighborhood. I got even with the nanny by using a hack to make her pregnant with twins by townie Kennedy Cox.I will teleport her twins to Don Lothario's house for unwanted babies where he will promptly adopt them. I dont want my playable sims to continue to lose  their kids because of derelict nannies like this one.

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: gali on 2005 November 27, 22:04:08
I second this request!

When the parents are at work, I have to select the nanny with Merola's mirror, and delete each 5 minutes the nanny's car tumbnail, appearing near the queue tumbnail, which causes her to cancel her occupation, and goes to the car. When I hover over the car tumbnail I read - "bail autonomy".

If I don't do that, she leaves the baby/toddler/kid, and as Bangel described, and I have to look for a solution.

My solution is, to teleport one of the parents (not another nanny or relative), and 5 minutes before the time he/she has to come from work - delete her from the lot.

Indeed, very annoying.

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: Meek_Monkey on 2005 November 27, 23:20:19
I you dont like nannies try the nanny painting from here they never raid the fridge they dont need anything at all.

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: Emma on 2005 November 27, 23:22:53
It seems to be a problem with the nanny's car-does it ever leave the lot? I have had problems with the car always being stuck there-but usually that means I have 2 nannies on the lot at the same time that never leave! >:(

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: gali on 2005 November 27, 23:42:02
It seems to be a problem with the nanny's car-does it ever leave the lot? I have had problems with the car always being stuck there-but usually that means I have 2 nannies on the lot at the same time that never leave! >:(

The car is leaving after the nanny comes. But when the "bail autonomy" tumbnail appears, and the nanny makes preparations to leave - the car appears at the lot.

Meek, I need the nannies - and in my game they don't need anything; I have eternal mood object, which makes all the residents and guests/NPCs full green and in platinum mood. So, the problem is not the nannies' needs - it's the "bail autonomy" tumbnail that has to be fixed.

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: Emma on 2005 November 27, 23:59:40
Okay, I'll let someone more awesome than me help you  ;D  Hope you get it fixed real soon  ;)

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 November 28, 00:24:22
I never used Nannies much until recently.  I have a single working father with two handsome young sons....I want the nanny employ not just to keep the social worker away (there are hacks for that), but for the story line as well.

What I've noticed is that she doesn't adjust to schedule changes.  When the Dad gets a promotion, I have to end her services and rehire another nanny.  So far, if I do that, she comes when she is supposed to and leaves when she is supposed to.

Don't know if that will help, Banglenuts....the nannies certainly are screwy (btw, I always read your name as bagelnuts...took me weeks to figure out there was no potential cream cheese involved.  ;D )

P.S. What IS it with half cooked lobster dishes all over the house *tears hair* and young children who have to bake their own muffins in a plastic oven if they want to eat after school....

*** edit ***

doh, it occurs to me that directing you to the no social worker abuduction patch would be a good thing until this gets straightened out for you.

It's Inge's!

You can find it under "global patches"  :)

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 28, 00:33:29
It seems to be a problem with the nanny's car-does it ever leave the lot? I have had problems with the car always being stuck there-but usually that means I have 2 nannies on the lot at the same time that never leave! >:(

The car is leaving after the nanny comes. But when the "bail autonomy" tumbnail appears, and the nanny makes preparations to leave - the car appears at the lot.

Meek, I need the nannies - and in my game they don't need anything; I have eternal mood object, which makes all the residents and guests/NPCs full green and in platinum mood. So, the problem is not the nannies' needs - it's the "bail autonomy" tumbnail that has to be fixed.
that's exactly the problem I had  that nearly cost my main family one of their Toddler' was only Inge's shrub that saved the little toddler from going to some strange family

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 November 28, 00:36:37
Hey, I was editing my post while you were posting...want to make sure you don't miss my edit with a link to Inge's social worker hack.

If only I thought of everything before I hit "post".   :P

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 28, 00:56:06
this is the toddler that the derelict Nanny nearly cost my family her name is Janet and she is being held by her Mommy.

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: MsMaria on 2005 November 28, 01:00:57
That is a beautiful toddler, I wouldn't want to lose her either! I love her hair. :)

My nannies aren't leaving early, but I have a problem with a second nanny showing up as the first one is leaving! The parent's are already home, so there is no need for the second one.

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 28, 01:16:14
That is a beautiful toddler, I wouldn't want to lose her either! I love her hair. :)

My nannies aren't leaving early, but I have a problem with a second nanny showing up as the first one is leaving! The parent's are already home, so there is no need for the second one.
I got her hair from pronusims. her daddy was the first to arrive home and he was crying his eyes out thinking shein the social workers hands. when grandpa had already retrieved fact grandpa was finishing up teaching her to walk  while her Dadddy was in the shower. I had to direct daddy to his toddler  so he would quit crying.
  Ive had the  2 nanny bug . I had to dismiss them to get rid of them. Id rather have that bug instead of the derelict nanny.

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: MsMaria on 2005 November 28, 01:23:42
Well, hopefully someone will create a fix for you and everyone else with the derelict nanny problem. My problem is just a nuisance, whereas yours is much more than that, obviously.  :-\

Thanks for letting me know where you got the cute hair, I'll have to check it out. :)

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: nectere on 2005 November 28, 01:30:06
They dont want to seem to stay overnight either. I had a preganant sim trying to get some shut eye after work while the father went off to his ecological guru career (he is the one that hired her to track HIS schedule). The nanny split after about half a day once she got home and left a very tired pregnant mom to fend for herself and the toddler in the middle of the night.

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: AllenABQ on 2005 November 28, 03:13:03
I just had this happen to me.

The nanny was scheduled to be at the house from 8 AM to 4 PM according to the work schedule of the sim to contacted her.  She showed up at the proper time.  After everyone had left for work, there was only the toddler left at home that she was looking after.

2 PM rolled around and her van showed up and she left the house with the toddler sleeping in his crib!

Luckily no social worker showed up before 4 PM when the parents came home!

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: vecki on 2005 November 28, 03:48:21
That is a beautiful toddler, I wouldn't want to lose her either! I love her hair. :)

My nannies aren't leaving early, but I have a problem with a second nanny showing up as the first one is leaving! The parent's are already home, so there is no need for the second one.

I have that problem too Maria.  I find I end up having to delete the Nanny-Mobile with moveobjects on or I'll get an unending stream of nannies coming and going.

One time, in the Broke house, I had Brandi marry a single father, Matt Riffraff, father to children Kayla and Layla.  Dustin still had his criminal career, Beau was a child and Brandi's third boy Brady had just been put in the cot.  After a great wedding party, Brandi and Matt took off on their honeymoon and Dustin left for work.  Panic set in until I remembered that children could call the nanny, so Layla did so just after Dustin left.  As Brady fell asleep, I got the message that it wasn't a good idea to leave him unsupervised.  That's ok, I thought, the nanny's on her way.


The Social Worker rocked up and took all four of the kids at home, then when Brandi and Matt arrived home several game hours later they sobbed for ages about the loss of the children, and then just as Dustin arrived home, the nanny finally rocked up.  I could have cheerfully strangled her.

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 28, 04:04:55
Well, hopefully someone will create a fix for you and everyone else with the derelict nanny problem. My problem is just a nuisance, whereas yours is much more than that, obviously.  :-\

Thanks for letting me know where you got the cute hair, I'll have to check it out. :)
your welcome and the little toddler in the picture is one of 4 toddlers in my Main Family her cousin is equally as cute this is  Denise being held by her Grandpa Denise is Janet's Cousin.(

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 28, 04:07:23
That Sim is really good looking.  ;D  Is it one of Brynne's?

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 28, 04:11:36
Yes, that's Joe! Or do you mean the toddler? No, she's bangel's. lol

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 28, 04:13:09
No, I meant the adult.  I want him too.

*heads over to get it*

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 28, 04:14:47
That Sim is really good looking.  ;D  Is it one of Brynne's?
the Grandpa? yes that's Joe  he isone of Brynnes sims that she sent me .he is the grandpa to both toddlers.The toddler he is holding was born in my game to Brynne's sim Josh and a Sim I created  named Maria. Denise is their First Born. Janet is Colleen's Daughter .Colleen of course is one of Brynnes

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 28, 04:23:38
Yes, that's Joe! Or do you mean the toddler? No, she's bangel's. lol
wahhh I feel left out no one wants my toddlers ;D

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 November 28, 07:10:02
The patch was supposed to fix all these nanny issues and mine have behaved impeccably since I installed it.  In fact, they're so well-behaved they've become predictably boring.

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 28, 07:55:53
Well there's a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" if I ever heard one LOL

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: Christianlov on 2005 November 28, 09:39:13
The patch was supposed to fix all these nanny issues and mine have behaved impeccably since I installed it.  In fact, they're so well-behaved they've become predictably boring.

Is there a patch for nannies?

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 November 28, 14:29:22
Well not for nannies specifically, no (although they could have done with one), I was referring to the general patch. 

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 28, 16:35:56
Well not for nannies specifically, no (although they could have done with one), I was referring to the general patch. 
lemme see post patch I gained toddlers being fed smart milk in their high chairs.still have stuck nannies and derelict nannies and the creme de lcreme of what gets stuck and doesnt always work right School Buses they come by at 3 p.m with the kids .I get the Icon get off the bus and the school bus fails to let the kids off then gets night it was 7 p.m. sim time and the kids still wereent brought home from school and didnt show up until I teleported them in and moved the family out not easy when its 13 sims you are moving. this family moved in out 6 times before I finally just destoryed the lot put a new lot elsewhere and moved them in. so far no stuck school buses or carpools. but the derelict nanny is by far the worst issue

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: MsMaria on 2005 November 28, 17:14:43
Bangelnuts, your other toddler is equally lovely!

Speaking of toddlers, I have noticed after installing the NL patch a while back that my toddlers have been getting really strange "wants". They want to buy a car and buy clothes! I've had the occasional baby have the want to buy a shrub, but toddler's wanting a car? Too weird. :-\

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 28, 17:17:42
Bangelnuts, your other toddler is equally lovely!

Speaking of toddlers, I have noticed after installing the NL patch a while back that my toddlers have been getting really strange "wants". They want to buy a car and buy clothes! I've had the occasional baby have the want to buy a shrub, but toddler's wanting a car? Too weird. :-\

Well, he's got places to be, people to see.  It's a dog-eat-dog world out there for the average toddler, dont'cha know?  ;)

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: MsMaria on 2005 November 28, 17:26:45
Well, he's got places to be, people to see.  It's a dog-eat-dog world out there for the average toddler, dont'cha know?  ;)

 ;D Now I have an image of a toddler sittting on phonebooks tooling around town in a sports car.

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 28, 17:39:31
Bangelnuts, your other toddler is equally lovely!

Speaking of toddlers, I have noticed after installing the NL patch a while back that my toddlers have been getting really strange "wants". They want to buy a car and buy clothes! I've had the occasional baby have the want to buy a shrub, but toddler's wanting a car? Too weird. :-\
thank you.and those are strange wants.speaking of goodlooking toddlers this couple Just had twin girls.the Female is one of Brynne's sims the male is  a Sim I created . Im thinking their Twins should be super cute as toddlers.

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: lady shay on 2005 November 28, 18:17:18
I got her hair from pronusims.

Anyone have the full url for that site? I did a web search but the search engine has no idea what I'm talking about.

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 28, 18:33:01
I got her hair from pronusims.

Anyone have the full url for that site? I did a web search but the search engine has no idea what I'm talking about.

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 28, 21:20:06
This my personal observation about the nanny problem.

Actually it has been like that since Sims 2 (for the 2 nannies on the lot) and new to Nightlife for the leaving early problem.

The nanny seems to be aware when a Sim will have a promotion and quits earlier because of that since the next day, if my Sim do not have another promotion, the nanny follows the new working hours.  Another observation, after the nanny left early and the Sim came back from work, got the message about the promotion it is then only that I see another nanny appearing on the lot.  I dismiss her and the next day only one nanny comes following the normal hours until the Sim will have another promotion... *sigh*

So it seems to be related with the promotions in my case.

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: Ms.Perception on 2005 November 28, 21:48:41
I'm getting this problem where when my sim gets a promotion lets say that causes her work schedule to change from arriving home at 4 to getting home around 11, another nanny will arrive on the lot. So now I have two insane old women fighting over waking up a sleeping baby in order to harass it. Nannies are bugged, and that's what we have buyable fire for.

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 28, 22:46:50
I'm getting this problem where when my sim gets a promotion lets say that causes her work schedule to change from arriving home at 4 to getting home around 11, another nanny will arrive on the lot. So now I have two insane old women fighting over waking up a sleeping baby in order to harass it. Nannies are bugged, and that's what we have buyable fire for.
ive had that peoblem  I simply dissmiss the extra nanny

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: Ms.Perception on 2005 November 28, 22:56:42
I do. But the next day they both show up. Its just a weird glitch. Its not terribly annoying in comparison to some of the other problems I've had in the game. Usually I'll just have whatever adult is around dismiss the nanny. The odd thing is they come right back. I just thought it was ironic that some people have a problem getting them to stay, and I can't seem to get rid of them.

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 28, 22:58:59
In all the families I've had so far in Nightlife, I've been really fortunate that the parents work schedules are just varied enough that the childcare is always covered.

For the few times where there is a little overlap, hiring a nanny "just for now" seems to be working, and they're even taking care of the kids and cleaning the house. 

*knocks on wood*

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 28, 23:38:20
In all the families I've had so far in Nightlife, I've been really fortunate that the parents work schedules are just varied enough that the childcare is always covered.

For the few times where there is a little overlap, hiring a nanny "just for now" seems to be working, and they're even taking care of the kids and cleaning the house. 

*knocks on wood*
I'm Lucky with the couple shown singing Karaoke that theyr'e twin babies wont need a nanny as they have different work schedules. Daddy is a celebrity Chef and Perma plat .Mommy which is one of Brynne's sims is a coach and perma plat she was a celebrity chef but her second LTW is to be a hall of famer.  Daddy is ready to go permaplat the second time as well .mommy will go perma plat the second time with her next promotion.I dont want those babies nabbed by the social worker either due to a derelict Nanny.My Main Family turns out some gorgeous kids and I want those kuds growing up with their rightful families not some ugly townie's supporting families turn ot some really adorable kids as well.and I want those kids with their rightful parents as well.little Janet is the toddler that was nabbed and returned via the shrub is a child produced by My main Family Patriarch's youngest Daughter and Sean Tricou a member of the mysterious Tricou Family which is supporting family to my main family.There are no ugly towniies in my neighborhood that are allowed  to marry into my families. Poor Don Lothario though was innocently baking  a lemon pie when the first  2 unwanted babies arrived on his back doorstep He adopted the derelict Nannies twins with Kennedy Cox. the sweetest part of my revenge is that she never even got to know these were her babies and they only Recognize Don as their parent. and Don had to call a nanny and got assigned the derelict nanny . so she has to take care of her own kids but doesnt get to keep them ;D

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: auriaux on 2005 December 25, 00:32:52
Hi there, I didn't see where anyone ever posted any response about the original problem.

I finally got NL and just came in here to update all my old hacks.  All I have are Pescado's with the single exception of Merola's mirror.

Yesterday, after finishing up everything including the patch, when I had my poor single mom call the nanny before leaving for work on Saturday while her child was home, Nanny showed up, Mom went to work, Nanny promptly left.  I managed to keep them going by having Becca called the Nanny herself every time she left, but ick.

Nanny would usually stay about 1/2 hour of game time before leaving, and often wouldn't even come in the house.  She'd enter the yard, view the flamingo, then the van would come back and she'd go.

I used Merola's mirror to peek into her head, and I was getting the van icon to replace whatever autonomous activities she thought of doing, after just a couple seconds.  I tried clicking it off each time, but I couldn't keep up with it.

I disabled ALL custom content using the EA feature in the game startup, and that fixed it, so then I knew it was indeed something of my downloads.

I came here and saw this post, but no answers on what was up.

So, today, refreshed, I went in and carefully put ALL my hacks in a single folder (which I had never done - everything was a mishmash in "Downloads").  I tried to make folders a while back for hair, clothing, etc, but I don't know how to do that easily, and I am a Sim fashion addict. I have HUNDREDS of custom clothes, hair, eyes, etc.

Then I started up the game

To my surprise, my OLD (4/05) Lobonanny.package had snuck into one of the few folders I had set up - it was tucked in the middle of my clothing file.  It appeared in the top window of the startup custom content information.

I deleted that, started up again, game was fine.

Then I put back my hack folder a section at a time.  NO problems.  Including the new (7/05) lobonanny.package.

So I think what happened for me was I had both Lobonannies visible to the game, and it was conflicting.

Hope that helps you.


Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: AllenABQ on 2005 December 25, 15:30:54
I don't have the lobonanny package in my game.  I ran a search on my Downloads and all its sub-folders just to be certain.  And yet I still had that incident of the nanny leaving early.

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: auriaux on 2005 December 26, 01:09:19

I thought the double file was it, but it was not.

Today I noticed while playing that I didn't have autoyak anymore, so I re-installed the 7/31 version into my game.

Then the Nanny wasn't showing up at all, or was showing up and leaving, and so on.  Also it wasn't showing me enemies or family, just friends in the call options.

SO I just took it back out and we'll see.

It doesn't say it's NL compatible, so I should have known better I guess.

If it isn't that, the only other difference for the family I was playing is that I just bought that family a car, and Dad who is the one whose schedule is being tracked is the one who "owns" the car.  Could the non-appearance of a car pool be the problem?


Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: auriaux on 2005 December 27, 06:20:44
It seems it was the Autoyak.package.

I had completely forgotten that in my original removal of 'all hacks' I decided I didn't need that one and totally deleted it, so it was the ONE file (of course) that I didn't put back in.

So yeah, for me at least taking it back out fixed the problem.


Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: AllenABQ on 2005 December 27, 16:44:03
I don't have autoyak either.  Hmmm... I wonder if the problem could result from multiple sources?   ???

Title: Re: Fix needed for Nightlife nannies leaving way to early
Post by: Ellatrue on 2005 December 27, 21:14:52
I have autoyack, and I've never had any problems with the nannies (other than incompetence) or the schoolbuses. On the other hand, I don't have lobonanny...