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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Now&Then on 2005 July 30, 04:31:06

Title: Having werid issues
Post by: Now&Then on 2005 July 30, 04:31:06
Ok I need some help. I have this family, which I haven't played much, but the first generation is getting closer to passing away. However last night this werid glitch happened when I sent the elder women out to feed the cowplant. Mind you, she is the only one that this glitch happens with. This elder sim goes out to feed the cowplant, the plant than jumps off to the side and appears to be deformed. It does not return to normal looking. It stays that way. I have to delete it. Can anyone figure out what is going on here?
Sorry the about all the attachments, but I had to include everything.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: Having werid issues
Post by: Now&Then on 2005 July 30, 04:32:35
Hereis one of the error logs

Title: Re: Having werid issues
Post by: Now&Then on 2005 July 30, 04:35:01
Here is the second error report, This one is on the sim herself.

Title: Re: Having werid issues
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 July 30, 16:29:42
Please do not send unsolicited Forced Error logs. They don't tell me anything useful. Force Error logs are only useful in specific cases when I'm looking for something specific, and in such a case, I will request one. Otherwise, the log is of no use: Forcing Errors can reset objects, but do not produce useful logs. As for why your Cow Plant is deformed, I do not know. Too much radiation or Chinese Food, perhaps?

Title: Re: Having werid issues
Post by: Now&Then on 2005 July 30, 16:37:01

I am sorry about posting the error logs, I just figured you would probably ask for them, so you could see what was going on. Next time I will just whine about my problem first before attaching anything.