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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Sifaradia on 2011 March 21, 19:39:13

Title: Door/windows stop showing through walls... and crash
Post by: Sifaradia on 2011 March 21, 19:39:13
First, I have yet to even play the game for the first time - I am still preparing my hood, creating houses and furnishing and decorating them.  I've created all my custom sims and have moved all but one fambly in. 

I was finishing customising the last lot (which I downloaded from MTS) using a default game door, a cc door, cc windows and one default game window, when some of the windows and doors stopped creating the space they're supposed to create when plugging them in the walls so you can see through them.  Basically, they appear imbedded in the wall and you can still see the wall where there's supposed to be empty space.  Soon after this began, the game just craps out without giving me an error message or anything, taking me straight back to the finder.

My question is the obvious one:  anyone know what this means?  Is there an easy fix to this, like a debug or reset command? Is something corrupted?  Is the crashing and the door/window issue even related or is it a coincidence?  This happens with both doors (EAxian and CC), but just the CC windows.  I tried using another set of windows but the game still crapped out.  On this lot, I've managed to furnish about half of it, mostly with cc.  I'm assuming this is just a problem with this lot because I've spent hours with the other lots and everything worked fine, although using different objects, again, mostly cc.  This particular lot is a "medieval village" looking lot which I would love to be able to still use so I'd prefer to fix it if possible before dumping it and using something else.

The cc windows and doors are the medieval set from MTS, Crusade doors from TSR and Bistro windows again, from TSR.  The EAxian door that also got buggered is the wooden, rustic looking one.

I have all expansions except for HEL, running them on a MacBook Pro 5, 1; MacOSX 10.6.6. Again, I haven't even begun playing yet, so this is after a fresh installation.  The game is fully updated (as far as the launcher tells me: and in case this is at all relevant, I am playing Riverview.

Thanks for the help.

Title: Re: Door/windows stop showing through walls... and crash
Post by: Inge on 2011 March 21, 19:45:16
You've broken it.

Title: Re: Door/windows stop showing through walls... and crash
Post by: kissing_toast on 2011 March 21, 19:48:14
This is old news, search moar.

Title: Re: Door/windows stop showing through walls... and crash
Post by: Eeyore on 2011 March 21, 20:13:03
...when some of the windows and doors stopped creating the space they're supposed to create when plugging them in the walls so you can see through them.

This happens to me when I have moveobjects on. If this is also what's happening to you, just click on the offending window/door again (without moving it) and it should clear up.

As for your CTD, please use the search box at the top of this page.

Title: Re: Door/windows stop showing through walls... and crash
Post by: Sifaradia on 2011 March 21, 22:18:58
People, I did use the search and all that came up was a whole bunch of irrelevant crap and definitely not an actual solution.  If there is a thread discussing this with an actual way to fix it and I've been unable to find it - and apparently there is since this is what a couple of you have communicated - could someone then direct me to it?  I'd greatly appreciate it.

@Eeyore:  at first I thought this was the case but I've restarted a few times (after the crashes) with moveobjects definitely off but it doesn't work or change anything and the crash still ensues.

Title: Re: Door/windows stop showing through walls... and crash
Post by: spockblock on 2011 March 21, 22:28:19
No, Inge is right: you've broken it. Your next step should definitely be fixing it.