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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: MarinatedPleasure on 2011 March 15, 18:41:02

Title: A question about neighborhood corruption
Post by: MarinatedPleasure on 2011 March 15, 18:41:02
Recently, I've been using the lot debugger whilst playing on premade households in Strangetown and, as you'd expect, removing corrupt memories erases any memories of being taught toddler skills etc by dead parents. The implications of this are that the premade dead sims are corrupt, which is fairly obvious after a quick look at their files on SimPE.

Now, the question is, will these corrupt character files eventually turn my Strangetown(/Pleasantview/Veronaville/increasingly less enjoyable EP neighborhoods) into a BFBVFS or should things run smoothly considering that, after all, the characters with corrupt files are dead and therefore shouldn't significantly impact the game?

Title: Re: A question about neighborhood corruption
Post by: Tarlia on 2011 March 15, 20:19:52
I believe the stubs of the dead sims won't cause any trouble, as long as you leave them alone and don't try screwing around with them. I don't think the memories really do any harm, either.

Title: Re: A question about neighborhood corruption
Post by: MarinatedPleasure on 2011 March 16, 21:05:57
Great. Thanks for the answer.

I have another question on the topic, but it's more out of curiosity than anything else. What I'm wondering is, why did EAxis go to the bother of corrupting the files of premade dead sims anyway? And how did they do it? The only way I can think of doing that is moving them out, giving them a dead token and deleting them from the sim bin but I don't see why that much work is necessary (the argument of preventing resurrection is null in my head since, as far as I know there was no way to resurrect sims pre-University) and it doesn't account for, say, the sims buried in Olive's garden or the Goth mansion.

Title: Re: A question about neighborhood corruption
Post by: Tarlia on 2011 March 16, 21:19:53
I have absolutely no idea. My only guess is that it's related to the neighbourhoods being obviously worked on while the game was still under development and things were probably changed around several times (evidence pointing towards this are things like garbage relations, duplicates of certain sims (Skip Broke, Nervous Subject), pictures of premades with older versions of hairstyles and clothes, etc). They probably broke them along the way, and probably not intentionally. And then couldn't be bothered to fix them, because that's how EAxis rolls.

Oh, and most of the sims in Olive's graveyard are also completely busted, but because they have more data in their character files they can be resurrected. Apparently doing this can corrupt your 'hood, although I've never tried. I attempted fixing the most obvious borkedness in my cleaned Strangetown, like lacking aspirations/zodiacs/personalities, and wrong age and sex, but their faces are still corrupted, and I wouldn't recommend touching them, ever. Hopefully the ghosts are safe.

Title: Re: A question about neighborhood corruption
Post by: MarinatedPleasure on 2011 March 16, 21:30:44
So I've heard. I honestly don't know why people go to the bother of resurrecting, for example, Lyla Grunt when her file's blatantly borked (good old SimPE verifies this, and you'd have to use SimPE to resurrect her in the first place, so anyone who attempts to bring her back probably knows exactly what's in store for them). If they're so insistent upon having her back they could just make a CAS lookalike of her and connect her to the Grunts etc in exactly the same way as original-Lyla. Takes a bit more time but prevents a lot of unnecessary neighborhood corruption.

Title: Re: A question about neighborhood corruption
Post by: Tarlia on 2011 March 16, 22:04:27
Indeed. I've tried extracting her with SimPE, just for fun, and her file causes Body Shop to crash. :P Probably because of the corrupted face.