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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: VeronicaNowakowski on 2011 March 13, 22:39:42

Title: Gigabytes Upon Gigabytes Eaten up by S3PE while importing as DBC
Post by: VeronicaNowakowski on 2011 March 13, 22:39:42
I've read the suggestion at;wap2 which explains how to merge files as DBC to make one condensed package which speeds up game speed (and it really does).  However, you may find yourself in the dilemma I found myself in: I had too many mods to merge them without memory crashing if I did not save the file after each import automatically.  However, when I did, I found that merging 500 MB of mods somehow ate up 40+ gigs and then I had no space left on my harddrive and it didn't completely finish.  Of course, this is not covered at all in the opening pages of the thread and I wasn't about to dig through 76 pages to see if anyone may have asked a question about it and had it answered.

Well, after searching through every conceivable folder to see where S3PE was saving these files, I finally came across it (and cleared up 221 GB of total space it ate up, I had measured it after previous failures and confusion of what I possibly saved that took up so much space).  Want your hard drive space back?  Here is where I found it on WinDOS Vista: C:/Users/<profile name>/AppData/Local/Temp

The saved files are the ones which are named similar to tmpFD2A.tmp

Take those (and I suggest only those, the first time I did this I deleted my graphics drivers by accident and had to reload them) and delete them.  Voila, your computer is working again.

Title: Re: Gigabytes Upon Gigabytes Eaten up by S3PE while importing as DBC
Post by: Inge on 2011 March 14, 13:19:37
If you read the thread, why didn't you post your question at the link you were advised to post at, rather than making an irritating new thread in the wrong place?

Come to simlogical, a true sister-site to MATY in terms of mean.  Though it's Anach's thread, maybe he'll be kinder to you than I would...

Title: Re: Gigabytes Upon Gigabytes Eaten up by S3PE while importing as DBC
Post by: jezzer on 2011 March 14, 13:57:37
Of course, this is not covered at all in the opening pages of the thread and I wasn't about to dig through 76 pages to see if anyone may have asked a question about it and had it answered.

That's what the "Search" box is for, you entitled twit.

Title: Re: Gigabytes Upon Gigabytes Eaten up by S3PE while importing as DBC
Post by: Sigmund on 2011 March 14, 16:43:04
If you read the thread, why didn't you post your question at the link you were advised to post at, rather than making an irritating new thread in the wrong place?

I think it's pretty clear they didn't bother to read the thread, since this has already been addressed there:

But as a result, I get a horrendous amount of temp files created in my AppData/Local/Temp folder. With each file that's added, it puts a copy of the most recently merged file in there and adds to it. And then it moves on, copies that, adds. Copies that, adds. This goes on and on and on until you either run out of packages to merge, or you run out of diskspace.

Title: Re: Gigabytes Upon Gigabytes Eaten up by S3PE while importing as DBC
Post by: Inge on 2011 March 15, 11:38:50
How come the OP hasn't returned to this thread to tell us how rude we all are and how she is never going to bother posting here again?  I do feel she should do her bit towards turning this thread into a flamewar, else she doesn't deserve an account here.  >:(

Title: Re: Gigabytes Upon Gigabytes Eaten up by S3PE while importing as DBC
Post by: jezzer on 2011 March 15, 14:41:45
How come the OP hasn't returned to this thread to tell us how rude we all are and how she is never going to bother posting here again?  I do feel she should do her bit towards turning this thread into a flamewar, else she doesn't deserve an account here.  >:(

I know!  It's sad how standards have fallen.

Title: Re: Gigabytes Upon Gigabytes Eaten up by S3PE while importing as DBC
Post by: VeronicaNowakowski on 2011 March 16, 04:57:20
I explained that I looked a ways in, but it was too long to read the entire thing.  However, as said thread is linked through many sites, this will at least create a google result for all the people who try to see that problem.  I was here to help people having that problem alone.

Title: Re: Gigabytes Upon Gigabytes Eaten up by S3PE while importing as DBC
Post by: Sigmund on 2011 March 16, 05:28:39
Yes, clicking on the last (and most recent) page of a thread is indeed a lot of reading.

Title: Re: Gigabytes Upon Gigabytes Eaten up by S3PE while importing as DBC
Post by: Inge on 2011 March 16, 07:28:00
Veronica, the point is, support for this feature HAS MOVED.   That is stated in the first and the last post in that thread - so you didn't need to read past page 1 at all.   Had you bothered to read ANY posts whatsoever you would have come to the new location and  found a forum with the grand total of about 10 active users and 20 posts in it (my users are a rare and taciturn lot) and would have seen the 19th post deals with this very issue.  You do have time to read 20 posts I assume?

Title: Re: Gigabytes Upon Gigabytes Eaten up by S3PE while importing as DBC
Post by: jezzer on 2011 March 16, 17:22:07
You do have time to read 20 posts I assume?