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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Roobs on 2011 February 24, 20:58:42

Title: Dive Bar woes
Post by: Roobs on 2011 February 24, 20:58:42
I'm having a problem with one of the bars I built. It almost seems as though the game is considering the back of the lot the front, and vice versa. This wouldn't usually bother me. But the problem is that when the bar closes for the night, all the sims are ejected through the back entrance to the rear of the lot. Here's a picture of what I mean.


If I lock or remove that back door, then all the Sims will flock to the dumpster by going around the entire building to that spot, before then going back out the gate and leaving via the front of the lot. If I lock the gate, but not the door, then everyone gets trapped in the yard and no one is allowed to leave. If I lock both the gate and the back door, then everyone just stands in one spot, repeatedly attempting and failing to carry out the "Get out" interaction. This requires me to intervene to get them to leave at all. Weirdly, no one seems to have a problem going into the bar, or leaving before closing time. Everyone uses the front door in these cases, as they should.

Is there anything that would be causing the game to believe this is the right way out? More importantly, is there any possible way of correcting this?

Title: Re: Dive Bar woes
Post by: AnimaSeverem on 2011 February 25, 03:04:54
If you click on the door you want to be the front, is there a "Set As Front Door" option?

Title: Re: Dive Bar woes
Post by: wizard_merlin on 2011 February 25, 11:45:23
It may be a general routing issue, or put another way, and EAxian problem.  They seem to have some rather bizarre way of calculating the shortest, or best routing path.

I haven't played with bars so much, but do build very large houses, and sims always seem to take the longest way out.  If they are near a back door, they use that, then walk all the way around the house to the road, instead of the faster way through the house to the front door.

Title: Re: Dive Bar woes
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2011 February 26, 11:08:44
It has to do with the sims picking the shortest apparent path to the outside, which means that they probably use the back door because the bar is closest to that door.

Title: Re: Dive Bar woes
Post by: Madame Mim on 2011 February 26, 13:09:18
So s/he could fix it by putting a tiny room at the back to make it two doors that way?

Title: Re: Dive Bar woes
Post by: Roobs on 2011 March 03, 12:27:34
Well, what do you know? It did the trick. *Baa.

I have another, completely unrelated issue, but I figure I may as well ask here rather than spam the board with another thread. Since installing Outdoor Living Shit, the Sims in one of my 'hoods will no longer park on community lots. They'll park at home just fine, but simply will not use the parking spaces/bike racks on community lots at all. The other 'hoods are fine, and I've checked for tight pants. Any ideas?