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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: rudeandnotginger on 2011 January 27, 11:15:29

Title: Squashed baby
Post by: rudeandnotginger on 2011 January 27, 11:15:29
^ That is happening. Didn't have any trouble until it was time for babby to age up. It only appears to affect that one kid, as its twin does not resemble a badly rendered torus. Using AwesomeMod, Twallan Mastercontroller, and Twallan Storyprog.

Title: Re: Squashed baby
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2011 January 27, 12:13:34
Try deleting it with moveobjects, deselecting the fambly, reselecting the fambly, and see if it respawns non-deformed. If this doesn't work, consider it to be a crippling birth defect, and split it from the fambly and delete it.

Title: Re: Squashed baby
Post by: Grimma on 2011 January 27, 15:37:45
^ That is happening. Didn't have any trouble until it was time for babby to age up. It only appears to affect that one kid, as it's twin does not resemble a badly rendered torus. Using AwesomeMod, Twallan Mastercontroller, and Twallan Storyprog.




Title: Re: Squashed baby
Post by: PrinJess on 2011 January 27, 15:41:07
Wow, what a corrupted "babby".

Title: Re: Squashed baby
Post by: rudeandnotginger on 2011 January 27, 22:24:57
Try deleting it with moveobjects, deselecting the fambly, reselecting the fambly, and see if it respawns non-deformed. If this doesn't work, consider it to be a crippling birth defect, and split it from the fambly and delete it.
Will do. I got frustrated last night and just TOTALLY ANNIHILATED via Master Controller it on a separate save, but I will try your way now. Although splitting it from the fambly does not work, as I've already thought of casting the mutant into foster care and doing this causes a CTD. Most interactions with the babby cause a CTD besides total annihilation and feeding.
Edit: Moveobjects deselect/select fambly unsquishes the babby but it's refusing to age up and appears to CTD at 7a on the day after the birthday should have happened. I think I'll just play the nuked-babby save and TFB.

Title: Re: Squashed baby
Post by: Figwit on 2011 January 28, 07:15:53
Coming out of lurk mode to suggest that you could have some cc clothes that have been wrongly ticked for babies.  If you could get the baby to CAS you might see what they are and get rid of them so that this doesn't happen again.  The baby will grow up ok.  ;D

Title: Re: Squashed baby
Post by: Tangie on 2011 January 28, 23:10:00
I can't really tell this from your screenshot; is a simbot holding the squished baby or is the baby part simbot?  If it's part simbot, do you have a hidden trait mod?

I had a mod that made the hidden traits available once and ended up with a child who aged up with the mummy trait. Later I saw a postal worker who moved and walked like a mummy. Talk about slow mail delivery!

Title: Re: Squashed baby
Post by: rudeandnotginger on 2011 January 29, 03:22:09
I can't really tell this from your screenshot; is a simbot holding the squished baby or is the baby part simbot?  If it's part simbot, do you have a hidden trait mod?

I had a mod that made the hidden traits available once and ended up with a child who aged up with the mummy trait. Later I saw a postal worker who moved and walked like a mummy. Talk about slow mail delivery!

Simbot is just holding the baby. It's a vamp baby but I don't think that matters. I looked in CAS on a different baby and I don't see any CC at all. I also combed through the toddler CAS and I didn't see anything odd. After what Figwit said I thought it might be something was baby or toddler ticked since I just merged a bunch of store items into about 15 different packages but nothing showed up. Master controller showed no hidden traits other than vampire. It's never happened before and the fambly correctly spawned 4 previous kids.

Title: Re: Squashed baby
Post by: Madame Mim on 2011 January 29, 12:19:07
You might also want to consider custom skins. I've never seen them cause a problem like that, but you never know.

Title: Re: Squashed baby
Post by: Tangie on 2011 January 29, 14:11:53
A month or so ago I had a baby age up into a deformed toddler. A very scary looking deformed toddler. Similar to your squished baby but bigger!

The baby was one of two twins but wouldn't age up at so I tried to force it manually, but the kid kept coming out deformed (I re-did it several times without saving). Finally I just switched households and the baby aged up normally, and I later went back and adjusted his age. This particular 'hood is getting very glitchy so I bet it's just a matter of time before it becomes a BFBVFS.

Title: Re: Squashed baby
Post by: rudeandnotginger on 2011 January 29, 22:19:20
You might also want to consider custom skins. I've never seen them cause a problem like that, but you never know.

I don't use them. I re-knocked up the breeder sim to see if it happens again.

Title: Re: Squashed baby
Post by: Alexina on 2011 February 13, 15:27:35
Simbot is just holding the baby. It's a vamp baby but I don't think that matters. I looked in CAS on a different baby and I don't see any CC at all. I also combed through the toddler CAS and I didn't see anything odd. After what Figwit said I thought it might be something was baby or toddler ticked since I just merged a bunch of store items into about 15 different packages but nothing showed up. Master controller showed no hidden traits other than vampire. It's never happened before and the fambly correctly spawned 4 previous kids.

It could still be using some CC somewhere which is interfering with its graphics, maybe a skin tone or a non-official face slider.  I think I had something similar back in TS2 with customised skin tones which caused deformed babies.

On a side note that baby looks like the one I ran over in my car last week...

Title: Re: Squashed baby
Post by: jolrei on 2011 February 14, 04:01:13
It looks like a pig.  Name it Wilbur.  Is there a babbycue for puddingspawn?