Title: Broken Adventure Board Post by: kytyngurl on 2011 January 25, 05:37:35 Am in France and absolutely nothing is showing up on the adventure board. Yes, I've waited a few days and tried over and over. Yes, I've tried clicking on other Opportunities (including home ones). I have not completed all the quests, not even close, this is a newbie traveler. A google search reveals that a lot of people have this issue, especially in France and post-LN, but no actual solutions to the issue. I have no CC at all. (and admittedly not AwesomeMod... yet. And if that'll solve it, let me know)
Seriously, fuck you, EA. Title: Re: Broken Adventure Board Post by: vorpal on 2011 January 25, 09:38:02 Yes I know, it's hugely annoying. Some adventures can be triggered by using the debuginteractions and ctrl-shift-clicking on your Sim or using twallan's MasterController. But there are some that cannot be triggered at all. I'm thinking specifically of one adventure chain in China that goes under the ID EP1_Quest_QinShanHuWritings, where stage 1 is simply not available anymore. It's the one where you are asked to learn Sim Fu and end up having to explore the retreat of the Resolute Fist behind the Scholar's Garden. I can get the second stage and continue the chain to the end when I have a Sim get one skill point in Martial arts on its own, but the first one gives me an empty error message.
But what is also annoying is that when you send a celebrity they'll receive celebrity opportunities galore. And celebrity opportunities from your home world will carry over to a vacationland, too. Title: Re: Broken Adventure Board Post by: ElectricSimmer on 2011 January 26, 04:41:02 That ones broken? FUCK