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Awesomeware => AwesomeMod! => Topic started by: Anach on 2010 December 30, 13:01:08

Title: Regarding Supreme Commander lag.
Post by: Anach on 2010 December 30, 13:01:08
In the past my usage of SC has been limited (mostly due to the lag I experience when using it), but for the past couple weeks I've been using it regularly, and while I've brought up the topic of SC lag a couple of times in the past, I've had no solutions to the problem nor have I found any reasons behind why the lag exists for some but not others. I thought I would start a discussion thread, rather than posting in the bug thread, as this isn't a really a bug as such.

The problem itself is that I get UI and game lag whenever adding to the queue in front of SC, or swapping between Sims that are running SC. What I have discovered this last few days is that Lag can be considerably reduced if A) the Sim has a limited number of skills available to train, and/or B) I move my Sims to a lot that has limited to no training facilities for skills listed in the SC directory.

Due to the size of my home lot, the house has multiple options for Sims to train skills, and as the amount of trained skills increases, combined with the multiple options available locally for training those skills,  it seems SC needs to calculate more each time an action is applied to the queue and recalculates each time a new item is placed ahead in the queue, or the user changes active Sims. The only way to reduce that lag is to remove SC related skill training items from the house. While I still get a small amount of lag from having a large amount of trainable skills, it is far more bearable. Having a Child Sim with only 4 trainable skills, on a lot with no self-contained training facilities, and the lag is non-existent.

It's highly unlikely that my initial suggestion of splitting SC into Skills Commander and Activities Commander would have any effect, as it does not appear to be as simple as the sheer amount of options, but the calculations done to decide what those options should be and where is the best place for them to be performed.

So is there any other way this can be alleviated?

FYI, the lag ranges from .5 second to 2.5 second delay depending on the age of Sim (amount of skills) and the lot they are on. The worst Sim is my Adult with 2.5 seconds per queued action or when selecting their portrait. This drops down to around .5 when on a lot with no skill training facilities.

Title: Re: Regarding Supreme Commander lag.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2010 December 31, 01:27:09
We're looking into it.