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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Toast on 2010 August 17, 02:25:07

Title: Gypsy matchmaker broken (more than usual)
Post by: Toast on 2010 August 17, 02:25:07
My sim wants 50 first dates. He had a few as a teen from the matchmaker that went as usual. He moved to college, got one or two more from the matchmaker, and then she stopped working. He asks for a blind date, she goes through the summoning animation, and then there is an odd 4-5 second delay. The date finally drops, and the gypsy attempts to introduce them, but the date has usually wandered or jump-glitched away to ring the front doorbell. The gypsy has to yell to get them to come over. Once they are introduced, they know each other, but the date does not start. As in, the date interface never comes up, and the summoned sim still has the "Ask on Date" option available.

Tested with the sim's sister, and the same thing now happens for her when she asks for a date, so the sim isn't glitched. Tested with another sim in the uni neighborhood and the same thing happens, so it isn't the lot. Tested in the main hood (Veronaville), so it isn't the Uni hood. Tested in Riverblossom Hills, behavior persists. Testingcheats did not show an error message in any of these cases. Forcing an error on the gypsy apparently did nothing.

All of the above tests were done with entire Downloads folder removed, problem is therefore not tight pants.

Any suggestions? Please don't say TwoJeffs' crystal ball, I am aware of it and it's nice but I am one of the 3 people who actually like the fail old hag and I want her to work properly.

EP setup: uni, NL, OFB, Seasons, 2 stuff packs

Title: Re: Gypsy matchmaker broken (more than usual)
Post by: Ichigo on 2010 August 17, 11:45:21
Me thinks objects.package threw up. Since this is an epic, multi-neighborhood occurence, I'd delete the folder in My Documents called "The Sims 2". Fire the game up again, and your neighborhoods will be factory-fresh.

Title: Re: Gypsy matchmaker broken (more than usual)
Post by: Toast on 2010 August 17, 12:29:31
Good heavens. Thank you, I will try it, but is there any way to make objects.package regenerate without ditching the entire folder? It kind of scares me.

Title: Re: Gypsy matchmaker broken (more than usual)
Post by: Ichigo on 2010 August 17, 12:34:14
Don't be afraid. Just take out all your CC, stick them in a new folder, then when you get your Downloads folder back, move the CC back into aformentioned "Downloads" folder. As someone who's experienced her fair share of boggling errors, this worked for me EVERY time.

Title: Re: Gypsy matchmaker broken (more than usual)
Post by: Toast on 2010 August 17, 12:48:24
Downloads aside, what folders do I have to maintain if I want my neighborhoods to remain the same? Neighborhoods, Storytelling... and what else?

P.S. Have just tried suggestion and Leod McGreggor can now get a gypsy to dump a functional date on him, so it seems to have done the trick.

Title: Re: Gypsy matchmaker broken (more than usual)
Post by: Ichigo on 2010 August 17, 12:55:07
Did you have any backups? If you've already regenerated the TS2 folder, then it's gone. Regenerating the folder is kind of the action of last resort, and is pretty much all you can do if objects.package gets corrupt.

Title: Re: Gypsy matchmaker broken (more than usual)
Post by: Toast on 2010 August 17, 13:08:10
Sure, I kept the borkenated Sims 2 folder, I just don't know what bits and pieces of it I need to plug into the newly generated Sims 2 folder besides my downloads.

Title: Re: Gypsy matchmaker broken (more than usual)
Post by: Ichigo on 2010 August 17, 13:22:29
That's where my help ends. Now, you play the exploration game. Godspeed, and I regret not being able to help you further.

Title: Re: Gypsy matchmaker broken (more than usual)
Post by: Tarlia on 2010 August 17, 14:51:31
To get your neighbourhoods back, simply delete the 'Neighborhoods' folder from your new TS2 folder, and replace it with the one from the old borked one. You don't need anything else.

Title: Re: Gypsy matchmaker broken (more than usual)
Post by: Toast on 2010 August 18, 03:01:05
Okay, having regenerated the Sims 2 folder I went in and tested the matchmaker in one of the factory-fresh neighborhoods and it worked properly, as noted above. I put my regular Neighborhoods folder back in and tested again. Matchmaker again broken.

Title: Re: Gypsy matchmaker broken (more than usual)
Post by: Strangel on 2010 August 18, 03:58:07
Try dumping NeighborhoodManager.package.

Title: Re: Gypsy matchmaker broken (more than usual)
Post by: Toast on 2010 August 18, 05:13:33
Dumped NeighborhoodManager.package and retested, gypsy still no worko. I think she put a gypsy curse on me.

Title: Re: Gypsy matchmaker broken (more than usual)
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2010 August 18, 06:38:41
If you're getting a reset jump like that, try turning on debug mode to see what the error is.

Title: Re: Gypsy matchmaker broken (more than usual)
Post by: Toast on 2010 August 18, 07:12:33
Debug mode does not return any error messages.