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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Tanly on 2010 June 28, 11:36:50

Title: Baby is a Toddler but still a Baby (Adopting a problem)
Post by: Tanly on 2010 June 28, 11:36:50
My couple had their third baby but when the baby turned into a toddler, he somehow still remained a baby. He wore toddler clothes but acted like a baby and just lay on the floor doing nothing like a baby would. My sims couldn't pick him up so I deleted him and exited the lot just to check if he would get fixed but instead he returned outside in the same condition. I had no idea what to do so I just let him be and eventually the social worker came and took him.
Lately I've been thinking if it has been fixed because…well the social worker somehow was able to take him.
So I decided to check it out and let one of my families adopt him, except that when the social worker asks what kind of a kid I want and I select a baby, I get him but like with a baby I can't select him and when the social worker takes him out of the car she freezes and the little one just, lies in the air.
Now, I can't move him anywhere or anything, not even exit the game normally because every time a social worker comes you can't enter buy mode or options or anything.

I don't care if I have to delete this baby but I just don't know how I would do that. I know what i can do but if I'd have the lot debugger I still wouldn't be able to select the baby or exit the game, so I'm pretty lost about what to do.

Title: Re: Baby is a Toddler but still a Baby (Adopting a problem)
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2010 June 28, 12:19:42
I don't know what you did either. You can try using the Lot Debugger to "Fix Age Body", or Shift-Click to set to birthday and force aging in an attempt to get things where they should be. Failing that, there's always Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo.

Title: Re: Baby is a Toddler but still a Baby (Adopting a problem)
Post by: Tanly on 2010 June 28, 12:57:10
I don't know what you did either. You can try using the Lot Debugger to "Fix Age Body", or Shift-Click to set to birthday and force aging in an attempt to get things where they should be. Failing that, there's always Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo.

Thing is that if I do the Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo I won't be able to leave the lot or save the game. Because like I said, whenever I try to adopt the baby the social worker takes it out of the car and then she just stands still and the baby stays in the air. :/

Title: Re: Baby is a Toddler but still a Baby (Adopting a problem)
Post by: Tanly on 2010 June 28, 14:14:43
Is there a way for me to adopt him and somehow make the social worker go away so I can save and quit the game and then I'll be able to change his lifestage through SimPe?

Title: Re: Baby is a Toddler but still a Baby (Adopting a problem)
Post by: Tarlia on 2010 June 28, 14:49:31
You don't need to adopt him to fix him in SimPE. Fix him, then try to adopt him. His file is in your neighbourhood either way. Most likely you will find that his age is set to baby in SimPE. Change it to Toddler, commit and save, and try to adopt a toddler ingame - hopefully you'll get him, and he'll be fixed.

Title: Re: Baby is a Toddler but still a Baby (Adopting a problem)
Post by: Tanly on 2010 June 28, 15:04:08
You don't need to adopt him to fix him in SimPE. Fix him, then try to adopt him. His file is in your neighbourhood either way. Most likely you will find that his age is set to baby in SimPE. Change it to Toddler, commit and save, and try to adopt a toddler ingame - hopefully you'll get him, and he'll be fixed.

I can't find him in SimPe :/

Title: Re: Baby is a Toddler but still a Baby (Adopting a problem)
Post by: Tarlia on 2010 June 28, 15:13:00
I can't find him in SimPe :/

Well, adopting him won't help you find him. Do you have any experience using SimPE?

Title: Re: Baby is a Toddler but still a Baby (Adopting a problem)
Post by: Tanly on 2010 June 28, 15:27:15
I thought if I could adopting him then he would be a part of a family (that is, if I could exit the game) and then I would be able to find him (since I can find characters who are a part of a family)
I'm a afraid no I don't have experience with using SimPE but it seems to be my only option here so after I'd backed up my files I spent nearly and hour trying to fix things with SimPe but I couldn't find that damn child anywhere.

I just tried using boolpropTesting..... (just to try something) after I had adopted him and it did not do anything (like I expected it to)

Title: Re: Baby is a Toddler but still a Baby (Adopting a problem)
Post by: Tarlia on 2010 June 28, 16:56:22
Find a tutorial on how to edit a sim in SimPE, it really is not hard to do. I could describe how, but there should already be several tutorials available. Try MTS.

Title: Re: Baby is a Toddler but still a Baby (Adopting a problem)
Post by: Tanly on 2010 June 28, 18:37:43
Find a tutorial on how to edit a sim in SimPE, it really is not hard to do. I could describe how, but there should already be several tutorials available. Try MTS.

Is there honestly no easy way to just tell me where I can find the baby in SimPE? It seems like I can only find sims who already are located on a lot and there's no hard way for me to find them. I just have problem finding this baby because it is with the social worker but not a part of a family on a lot.

I have been going through all kinds of tutorials now as well as googling but I can't find anything which tells me if I can find a sim who is not a part of a lot or isn't a townie or a NPC.
The only way I can actually find the baby is by finding his sister and check on relations but I can't go anywhere from there...

So is it really possible to find a sim in simPE who isn't a part of any of your lots, a townie or a NPC and I'm just chasing a Ghost here?

Title: Re: Baby is a Toddler but still a Baby (Adopting a problem)
Post by: rufio on 2010 June 28, 19:19:08
I have no idea what you might have possibly been trying so far, because you can find any sim of any kind, including untouchable NPCs just by loading your neigborhood and going to the sim browser.

Title: Re: Baby is a Toddler but still a Baby (Adopting a problem)
Post by: Tarlia on 2010 June 28, 19:28:05
Find a tutorial on how to edit a sim in SimPE, it really is not hard to do. I could describe how, but there should already be several tutorials available. Try MTS.

Is there honestly no easy way to just tell me where I can find the baby in SimPE? It seems like I can only find sims who already are located on a lot and there's no hard way for me to find them. I just have problem finding this baby because it is with the social worker but not a part of a family on a lot.

I have been going through all kinds of tutorials now as well as googling but I can't find anything which tells me if I can find a sim who is not a part of a lot or isn't a townie or a NPC.
The only way I can actually find the baby is by finding his sister and check on relations but I can't go anywhere from there...

So is it really possible to find a sim in simPE who isn't a part of any of your lots, a townie or a NPC and I'm just chasing a Ghost here?

The reason I asked you to use a tutorial is that you seem to be doing something horribly wrong, and this just confirms it. Like rufio, I have absolutely no idea what you're doing.

You don't need to go through a family or a lot to find a sim. Open your neighbourhood, open the sim browser, find your sim. Alternatively, load the neighbourhood, click on the Sim Description in the left hand menu, and find your sim in the right hand window.

Which EPs do you have and what version of SimPE are you running?

Title: Re: Baby is a Toddler but still a Baby (Adopting a problem)
Post by: rohina on 2010 July 25, 00:51:24
This is a known problem without a solution. Someone who did a bijillion babbies challenge documented it. If you try searching, you can find the previous thread, although it may not actually help.