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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: ElectricSimmer on 2010 June 06, 07:44:44

Title: My Moment of Dumbass-ery: Retail and Digital Download?
Post by: ElectricSimmer on 2010 June 06, 07:44:44
OK, I have a really stupid question and I'm prepared for the flaming but is it possible to buy the Digital Download version of Ambitions and install it with the retail DVD version of the base game?

Title: Re: My Moment of Dumbass-ery: Retail and Digital Download?
Post by: Simius on 2010 June 06, 07:51:28
I can't think of any reason why that wouldn't work.

Title: Re: My Moment of Dumbass-ery: Retail and Digital Download?
Post by: girlfromverona on 2010 June 06, 09:14:41
I bought the base game via digital download and have a DVD version of Ambitions, and I've had no problems. I know it's round the other way from what you want to do, but as far as I can tell, it shouldn't be any different.

Title: Re: My Moment of Dumbass-ery: Retail and Digital Download?
Post by: ElectricSimmer on 2010 June 06, 10:22:57
Just installed it, it works. Apart from lack of AwesomeMod, it's pretty good.

Thanks for advice guys.